Wednesday, October 22, 2008

take me to where u are.


i felt like puking when putting the last string of instant noodles i brought from home into my i know why i couldn't finish a packet of maggi mee.because i don't like the 'instant' flavour of i know why i tried my best to cook everyday eventhough i was exhausted after the whole day spent in hospital.because i don't like the word 'instant' there right in front of the wrapper.gosh,how i missed my mum's cooking.

perhaps another reason to puke is being in medicine.don't ask why.i've explained enough in my previous niece asked me the other day wether to choose pure science or applied science as her upper secondary stream.suprisingly my advice more towards the latter.and again don't ask why.

by the way.... to just get my mind off from hustle-bustle of medicine,i always think about our next winter vacation.where to?well,i think this place is gonna be different from the places i'd been to.

study this picture carefully.

any guesses?no?

it starts with the letter T.
yes,u'r definately correct!bought the tic!can't wait.but disember seems so far away.takpa..takpa...exam dulu baru boleh pi.uhuks.

okie-dokie.ini sahaja untuk hari ini.erm bagus tulis blog ni.boleh hilangkan rasa nk muntah.ahaks.

till then peeps.

1 comment:

A'a said...

G-mah..aku tiap2 kali nk mkn megi pun mesti teringat kat hg..aku pun selalu gak mkn separuh jer..mkn bila lapar sgt jer..terpaksa..huhu..