Saturday, December 6, 2008

.deeper conversation.


it's cold here.d.e.m's foggy and the roads are slippery i walked like a princess to prevent myself from kissing the ground.malang itu tidak berbau right?hehe.

sometimes we might need someone to tell us right on the face what is right and what need to be fixed.taking things for granted is inevitable in life.but there's always time to realise and make things right.i was in confusion and it's really hard to clear things up when the problems we face is proportional in difficulty with the 2.3,i admit things are not easy to deal with compared to when i was a kid.even easy and simple things can get terribly wrong if the way we handle them isn't right.and at this age what i learn is the consequences of every decision i made are far greater be it good or bad when things turn upside as an adult is never easy.but hey....kita bukan sekadar ada countless talian hayat tetapi kita ada Tuhan yang maha mendengar.cuma kita je jarang meminta.

owh..i'm whining again.

okies move on...

gud news,i exercised today.played basketball tapi pancit half-way,eh tak...along the way,sepanjang the moment,my fitness level is at the lowest point it can be i guess.need more exercise.definately.

and last but not least,to the most beautiful woman on earth,my idol,my pillar of strength,my inspiration......

selamat hari lahir mak.

to be your daughter is the most wonderful thing in my life.i love you.

like mother like daughter(tgok tang idung tu.ahaks!)

picture by jay baharin.


ohcalamity said...

jeem kirimkn wish happy birthday kat mak u!



fAraHnaDiaH said...

selamat hari raya Aidiladha gmah!!


happy belated bday to ur mum!

jeem said...

iA and selamat hari raya haji babe.

same to u.selamat hari raya haji jugak.
and thanx=)
eh miss u tonnes!