Monday, September 29, 2008

yeayy!!happy for them.


i'm really happy.yes happy!although the news got nothing to do with me,but i'm still happy for them:the family,spouses,children,fiance',boyfriend,friends of the crews of the hijacked vessels.

mt bunga melati 2 and mt bunga melati 5.

more news here;

no more worries i guess.and tersenyum lebar la org2 kampung menyambut kepulangan mereka nanti eh.ada chance raya sama lak tu w'pun a bit later.

at first i was a bit dissappointed with the news i read this morning that says only mt melati 5 was released and it was the second vessel being hijacked after mt melati i can write about this with a big smile on my face since BOTH vessels are saved!.over kan saya.....hahah.but only people in the same shoes know how this feeling is like=)

i quote this from a family member of the crew in melati 2:

Dalam pada itu, dia akan menasihati adik tirinya itu supaya berhenti daripada terus bekerja dalam bidang perkapalan yang diceburinya itu sejak 10 tahun lalu kerana tidak mahu kejadian buruk dijadikan tebusan lanun berulang.

"Saya tak mahu dia kerja di laut lagi. Carilah kerja lain, lagipun sudah lama sangat dia berada di laut," katanya.

i nk plead the same thing dengan incik ichigo boley?or the least u can do for me is don't ever pick that route in future and stay away from gulf of aden tu key!

do not worry friends and foes,he's safe and sound i think along bintulu-japan-bintulu route and he loves going to japan!i wonder why?

oh one more thing,i just received sms from my mum at this hour (malaysian time:5;18am,irish time:10;18pm)

mak:gmah dah tidoq ka?

me,anxious and loaded with uneasiness with the sms,straight away called her up.

mak:hello...(sambil suara bernada happy)

me:hello mak(dlm hati legaaa....)gmah tak tidoq lae.awat mak?

mak:hujan ngah lebat,mak rasa nk banjir!

me:apa mak?syiannyerrr...dah masuk ayaq belom?

mak:dak la lagi.mak dok standby jaga-jaga ni tapi umah mak long hang(my mak long is my neighbour) dah masuk mak rasa.depa dari pukui 3 lae dah gheyoh- ghendah(riuh-rendah).mak teringat pulak kawan mak yang mak jahitkan tudung tingkap and tudung pintu(langsir or curtains) dia aritu.mesti rumah dia masuk ayaq gak.

me:syiannyer mak long.tapi kan mak,selamat ujan arini.bygkan klau ujan n banjir esok.lagi kelam least ujan arini,bila dah seriyat(stop or berkurang) boleh cuci teros umah,mop semua.esok time hari raya confirm berkilat dengan hebatnya umah depa semua(mother and daughter laughed their socks off)....bla..bla..bla...(melahirkan rasa bimbang dan sedih terhadap apa yg berlaku/akan berlaku)

mak:ni ujan rahmat la gmah.bla..bla...(masih sound happy sbb tak masuk ayaq lae la tu)

and suddenly,

mak:gmah,sat sat...mak rasa tempat lap kaki tu dah basah la!

me:huh,btoi ka mak?pi pi tgok dulu sat...

mak:gmah,ayaq da masuk abes basah tmpat lap kaki tu..okaylah.mak nk pi stop ayq sat.nti kita cakap lain naaa....


i still remember when i was home last was another 2 days before kenduri arwah yang akn dibuat for my late father and the same thing happened.i was up since 5am cleaning and mopping the house smp nk patah all the spines.but,having mak with me doing the cleaning was really,really fun.tak stress lansung,we laughed,making jokes about the flood and doing exercise while mopping.haha.seriously fun!

another episode of banjir kilat was the day my incik ichigo due to take his flight off to bintulu to board aman sendai.the night before,we planned to talk on the phone smp panas telinga tetapi apakan daya,again i was busy doing what maids do the best smp panas badan.i wasn't complaining,but going down the memory lane about these things can be really exciting or frustrating at times.

as far as i can remember,the flood never affect my house before.cuma this year yang teruk.but these are the challenges we have to face living in 'kampung'.tapi di rumah itulah saya lahir,dibesarkan dan mendapat segala kasih sayang yang diperlukan selama 23 tahun saya bernafas di muka bumi ini dan makan ketupat palas dan ketupat jawi di hari raya beserta rendang all!


selamat hari raya aidilfitri.

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