this is my niece.she's so adorable!isn't she?my summer holiday was spent mostly attending to her needs as she comes to my house on weekdays when her mama is working and we babysit her.
since i'm here in dublin,i didn't dare to look at any of her pictures because they make me sick missing her so badly.the way she talks,she smiles,she frowns,she smirks....semua tu adalah reason why i just couldn't even look at the pics.rasa nk pelok tak kesampaian.faham ke....?everytime i wanted to take picture of her,she would always ready with her funny poses and cute little mouth twisting acts.forever ready in front of the lense,she'll always be my favourite model.sumtimes i wish she would stop growing so that i don't miss any of her growth milestones anymore.being away for so long,u just couldn't help missing the moments she's growing up from little baby to a little princess.i wasn't there when my sister gave birth to her.balik-balik aja,dah ada super duper cute lil' baby with big,wide eyes that first caught my attention compared to her other anatomy parts.after a year,there she goes running around like pro and after another year,she could talk better than her 8 y.o brother=)how's that?seriously,my sis was like"she could really talk mcm org tua tau.very persuasive and she got most of the things she wanted just like that"(sambil snapping her fingers in front of me!)
tadi,i had to dig out a few pictures from the files and i accidentally came across her beautiful can a person not love this little girl.certainly she's the angel that always cheer up my days.
she makes rains feel like diamonds from the sky,she makes rainbows more colourful to the eyes and she makes the moon as bright as the sun.
maksu loves u dearly.