Thursday, May 29, 2008

i'm no weirdo


i just realized i've been tagged by cik azie.yep,we share the same name.common sebenarnya nama kami neh.but different azimah different character i,while waiting for ayam masak kicap on the stove,let me think of what to write.

The rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

random and weird bits bout me~
i only ate half packet of instant noodle it maggi,cintan,indo mee...semua separuh ja.well..i cooked the whole packet but i usually left half of it to eat's too much for me to eat in one go.

2)there's a huge age gap btween me and my sisters and elder sister is 11 years older while my eldest sister is 16 years brother is in btween 2 of them.i guess 3 of them got bored bullying each other and asked my mum for another victim.
saya makan slow mcm siput.ahaks.the first to start.the last to finish.and in a small quantity.a big no-no to buffet sebab nti mmbazir.tapi klau nk belanja saya akn berusaha mkn.heheh.

i can sleep anytime,anywhere.yep..sleeping beauty.especially on anything with wheels.dublin bus is my second moving bedroom kot.kapal terbang belom take off,saya dah tido dulu.haha.

5) my pierced ears don't allow earings with studs nor anything non-gold.memilih kan.ahaks.
i never owned any barbie dolls when i was a kid.i prefer teddy bears.tu pun boleh kira.

7)i don't eat tempoyak.never and never will.when i was young,i couldn't even smell it.mak kata tak boleh kawen org perak kalu camni.i say nothing wrong with it.he can go back to his mom and have tempoyak as much as he biggie=)

ok done with the tag.NOW it's my time tagging other bloggers.the lucky people are:~drum rolls~
sarah amin

if u have done this thing before,just skip okey.
tagging IS caring=)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

wake up.time to school.


today,i bought an alarm clock.
a petite one.a mini alarm clock i would call it.
one third of normal size of alarm clock.
kecik gila lah.chummel je tgok.heh.
time for fajr prayer starts at 2.49 and ends at 5.07 and it is getting earlier everyday.
so,need extra machinery besides my hp to wake me up.
kalo tak mmg gajah atau dinasour lah jawabnye.hehe.

and one more reason,

have to wake up early everyday to hospital that is bl**dy far away.
gotta say this out loud:

i freaking hate med school.

selamat malam.

Friday, May 23, 2008

.enjoy the trip.


irish yogurt.
got it for free.
not really nice.
i knew that before i even opened it.
but ate it eventually.
maybe my perception told me all yogurt taste the same.
in fact,it's free.
cuma sedikit sedap atau sedikit tasteless.
but all yogurt should taste the same.
yogurty taste.
selagi tidak keracunan,tidak salah dimakan.
next time i'm going to be more selective.
eat only the nice ones.
so that i dont let the yogurt go into waste.
like what i did today.

ahaha.actually while eating yogurt,my heart was pressuring me to write about one thing.i couldn't even finish the yogurt because i got to excited about this one happy thing that i really look forward for such a long makes me smile everytime thinking about it.makes me happy when i was me hope and boast my spirit up.nope,i'm not getting married yet.

at this time next month i will be in the comfort of my own home and beloved family.when i opened my iGoogle just now,my heart is jumping up and down seeing the countdown box.a month to go.i love it.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

it's all about life


2nd cycle of clinical rotations done.the final cycle begins tomorrow.i have no idea how is it going to be like to travel such a long distance and spending a long hours in the bus everyday.deep down in my heart,i have naughty plans to skip some days and just attend the compulsory things in the schedule.hope god will make it easier,not the ponteng part of course.heh.

i did spring clean my room this afternoon.threw out empty boxes and old newspapers.packing old clothes that i'm not keen of wearing them anymore and bring back home.i want to give them away so that i have more space in my wardrobe.i took out a blue t-shirt.that's the shirt worn when i first flew here.i still remember my dad was standing alone at one of the closed counter in KLIA, while my other family members were talking n laughing at the other corner.i walked slowly and stood beside him.there was a moment of silence.then he started talking to me and i noticed his eyes welled with tears.i couldn't look at him as my heart was contained with sadness.silently we cried together.the blue t-shirt made me cried again today.sadly,not with him but just with the memories left behind.i miss him.terribly.

erm..i'm beginning to have palpitations everytime receiving sms from syir.i'm just not ready to be told that he has to go back to the sea.i can feel.i can sense the bad news.but i kept telling myself,even if he's goin tomorrow,he's still coming he said,
he'll come back.
he will.
for me.

i don't find these days,this week in particular is the best time for all of us.with the stress mounting for final exams,everything just got worst.however,as long as we have friends stood by us,everything just seems possible.yes,POSSIBLE!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

humOngOus stOnes!


owh daku sangat mengantuk sekarang.tapi takleh tidoq lae.have to wait for Isha prayer which is very late during summer time.11.30 baru masuk waktu.

i was reading on renal medicine as preparation for tomorrow's clinic at 1.30 before my eyes got sore and watery as the results of xtreme here i am,typing word by word while waiting for the clock to strike 11.30 so that i can perform my prayer and off to my dreamland.

how's ur day everyone?moi?this morning i scrubbed in(not really scrubbed tho,just change my clothes) to OT for the kidney-related operation called pyelolithotomy:

Surgical removal of a renal calculus through an incision in the renal pelvis.

this is quite a major surgery because renal calculus or kidney stones are usually removed
by :

*extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy which using ultrasonic wave to shatter the stones

*percutaneous nephrostomy to relieve obstruction

*uteroscopy+/-laser or percutaneous nephrolitotomy using keyhole techniqueto remove stones.

; open surgery to remove the stones is rarely done since more advance and less painful techniques existed as mentioned above.perhaps the patient i'd seen had a huge collection of stones or calculi buried deep in her kidney that first i thought was the kidney itself on the stupid i am because kidney is not radiopaque on X-ray but the stones are!hahah...i was asking my friend....
"where's the right kidney,i can't see it?"

my friend was like.....
"this is not the left kidney lah,this is the collection of stones!"

"howaaaa......this big arrrr?"
seriously,it resembles the real kidney in terms of size and shape.tipah tertipu.ahaks. they took more than 2 hours to get the stones out with the biggest piece is as big as biskut makmur atau biskut kacang di hari raya.sorry i couldn't find any other objects as comparison nor has the same size as the stone.ahaks.kira satu cointainer kecik full of the removed stones la.although i had to stand more than 2 hours,the experience is more than worth it.

later that afternoon,met wif friends,having scones wif tea while discussing global issues.GLOBAL gila key,dr mesia ke america.from phyton died with perforated bowel to depressed monkey with ascites.muahahah.reached home at 8,lapar dan mengantuk.unlike yesterday,i was released early.sempat buat retail theraphy lagi.di mana?here------->

.blue and flat.

okies.enuff for today.c u soon peeps.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

.hello SUMMER.gudbye winter.


last weekend was a blast!i had a longer weekend than usual.extra one day.thanx to all banks in ireland for always having their day-off on monday.wuhoo!

actually the holiday begun right after everyone finish their rotation for the day from their respective hospitals.the plan was to have dinner at one of the fast food restaurant we are frequent to.but i woke up at 5.30 that morning and i need to qada' my sleeping i missed the dinner with them.
but worry not,we had basketball match the next day.hehe..tadakla lawan btoi2...only 8 people turned mmg pancit la main full court with only 8 of us.tak smp sejam dah mntak break.hahah.but overall....everyone managed to at least produced some sweats supaya usaha untuk bersenam tidak sesia.hehe...after the game,we just hang out at UCD,university terchenta smbil buat photography sessions.since we are attached to different hospitals...UCD agak dilupakan this was the best time utk melepas rindu la kan.

hasil dr photoshoot pada hari itu:

eh..tgu dulu.itu baru warm up pictures.on sunday...we continued the weekend with a small picnic at st stephen green park.a huge park right in the town of Dublin.the weather was lovely,suitable for picnicking.hehe.semua ahli2 geng dipaksa turut serta.ahaha.picnic was just alasan but photography session is the hidden main agenda of gadis-gadis yang amat suka akn lensa-lensa kamera.everyone posed like there's no tomorrow.muahahah.termasuk photographer i would say.=D
despite the unbearable sunshine that shone throughout the day,we really had least i do.we ate,we sang a few songs while sumone playing guitar,we played cards,gossipping and duduk,berdiri,bangun,meniarap,lompat and tidow amek gambar.tak caya tgok nie....

eating should be the first thing first.

dr lensa ke the other way around?

black vs greenwhite

r u counting cards?that's the way tina...that's the way....

the duo..singing joget lambak!hahaha.

cewek bunga

adek manis dengan tulips=)


the p.r.o.fessional

the photographer himself.yang macho lagi wik mana pulak?heheh=D

W.E = u.s

those were the activities done last saturday and sunday.wanna know what i did on the extra 1 day of bank holiday?tunguuu......