Monday, December 22, 2008

.alice in wonderland.


in these few days i was in my own magical's very made me stay not wanting to go out to the real world the magical world of mine,everyone that i truly love were in it.everything was so beautiful,the people,the places,even the time.i have freedom to paint the beautiful life and dreams i've always bad dreams once i closed my eyes and i could sleep like a baby throughout the night,that's the most exciting part of the other world that i've owned.i got to do what i want to without breaking any laws or rules.i'm freed to express myself to the person i words are forbidden.

what else could i do apart from creating my own world?i'm desperately missing those i love.the desire of talking to mum like she's sitting beside me,tickling my sister before we went to sleep every night,hugging my adorable niece's fragile body like i'm crushing her every bones and
actually seeing the face of the man i love always haunt me every single day.i'm reaching out my hands but i got's painful.i need morphine.

i'll be back next year.iA.merry christmas and happy new year.owh,it's going to be another year passed resolutions perhaps?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

is it christmas already?


santa is everywhere.

and sorry for the long absence,i was caught up with exams,2 MCQs and 2 essays in 3 weeks.

talking about christmas,when i walked into shopping malls and shops,the christmas carols seem like raya songs for me.don't get me wrong,i'm not celebrating or anything close to that its just i was already attuned to the songs,the multicolor street lights and the come-in-so-many-color-and-shape christmas trees(what's more with the christmas sale!) around this time avery year.the ambience is very pleasant and everyone is so in the mood of celebrating christmas again.the streets are full with people that are definately in cheerful mood from my observation.and they actually betting whether it's goin to be a white christmas this year since the temperature is lower than in the previous years' winter.anyway,i won't be around on chrismas day.i'll be somewhere quite far and hopefully an interesting place to spend my precious holiday at.

i'm falling deeper and deeper with Edward Cullen the vampire.feel like i'm 17 again!wait,where was i at 17?owh that stupid SPM~sigh~ and no boyfriend.ahahah.apart from SPM,i kinda enjoyed being 17.i have few good and loyal friends where we still keeping in touch with each other once in a while.although we were not the famous and popular girls at that time,we're happy nonetheless.high-school was just another phase that i have to go through to become adult and i like it.but to repeat that again,no thank you.i prefer my phase of life after 17.much sweeter=)

and i smell something sweet and delicious coming to me.ahaks.maybe a big mug of caramel mocchiato with extra caramel topping on top?i wish!:P

Tuesday, December 9, 2008



i have one rule that i secretly obeyed.i can only take a mug of coffee per day(except on exam days, of course).why do i have such a rule?because when i desire to drink some,i'm physiologically heart beat faster,my mind couldn't concentrate anymore and i lost my my head there's only a word coffee,coffee and coffee.the thought of being a caffeine addict always scare me so much that i follow the rule quite strictly.
(no offence to all coffee addicts.caffein doesn't pose any risk to terminal diseases:P)

i nearly break the rule today as i got very sleepy and tired during lectures and tutorial although i already had coffee first thing in the eyes just see my bed calling me softly to unite.a SECOND big mug of coffee is the only option to help me through the rest of the day apart from sleeping.

i was waiting for the bus home when i received one sms that has changed my day.

Are u at home?i'm me.

my heart started pounding head was thinking hard.the whole me wished i could be Edward Cullen or at least in posession of his strength and speed so that i can be home in no time.and once again i lost my focus.I really have to make that call.

after an hour,

i need no coffee.i don't feel sleepy or tired anymore.

i think my heart just got its own version of caffein my body wanted so badly earlier.

i think i'm addicted.

so be it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

raya datang lagi.

salam all.

just finished ironing my baju kurung.i know it's raya time when i took out baju kurung at the deepest end of my closet and start ironing baju kurung it's like an indicator of raya to me=)

and like in previous years,


my beloved family,

and incik ichigo,

are celebrating raya

at 3 different places.

im here in this wet and cold country,beloved family in malaysia and he's in japan.


but no matter how far apart we are,we'll always have each other in our heart.

selamat hari raya aidiladha dear readers=)

maaf zahir batin.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

.deeper conversation.


it's cold here.d.e.m's foggy and the roads are slippery i walked like a princess to prevent myself from kissing the ground.malang itu tidak berbau right?hehe.

sometimes we might need someone to tell us right on the face what is right and what need to be fixed.taking things for granted is inevitable in life.but there's always time to realise and make things right.i was in confusion and it's really hard to clear things up when the problems we face is proportional in difficulty with the 2.3,i admit things are not easy to deal with compared to when i was a kid.even easy and simple things can get terribly wrong if the way we handle them isn't right.and at this age what i learn is the consequences of every decision i made are far greater be it good or bad when things turn upside as an adult is never easy.but hey....kita bukan sekadar ada countless talian hayat tetapi kita ada Tuhan yang maha mendengar.cuma kita je jarang meminta.

owh..i'm whining again.

okies move on...

gud news,i exercised today.played basketball tapi pancit half-way,eh tak...along the way,sepanjang the moment,my fitness level is at the lowest point it can be i guess.need more exercise.definately.

and last but not least,to the most beautiful woman on earth,my idol,my pillar of strength,my inspiration......

selamat hari lahir mak.

to be your daughter is the most wonderful thing in my life.i love you.

like mother like daughter(tgok tang idung tu.ahaks!)

picture by jay baharin.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

.dinner at Killarney~summary.


The real calm and delicious dinner at Killarney=)

the mouth-watering indian cuisine at BOMBAY PALACE,Killarney.

well,it has been 3 days post-trip but i still couldn't get everything about Killarney....( the experience and fun that we had)....outta my head!
perhaps after this summary i can move on to the next different topic apart from ranting on and on about Killarney in the next entry.

Ross castle

to summarise,trip to Killarney has been one of the most enjoyable trip so far for me.i enjoyed every second of it.the places are so beautiful with so many majestic and breath-taking views,the foods we cooked together were no doubt finger-licking good and most importantly the people i'd been doing things together for 3 days 2 nights are the greatest people on earth!

arigato gozaimasu kawan-kawan!

i front of our cottages,kami berjiran.the boys lived nextdoor.

credits to hadi,jay and aiza for the pictures.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

.dinner at killarney part 2.


i'm free as a bird i think.not free for the entire day but having the whole afternoon to myself is really a pamper any med school rarely give to the students..having listened to a row of boring lectures earlier on this morning made me think i've had enough and no more school work at home.kes balas dendam nih sbb i struggled hard straining my eyes open for 3 and a half hours not to fall asleep in the lecture hall td.well....bila tak dak apa-apa nk buat,rasa tak keruan lah,what did i do instead?checking facebook every now and then for newly-uploaded pictures of the weekend get-away.

talking about facebook,i'm amazed on how it can hook up people for hours in front of the screen playing with the ever-growing applications.furthermore,it's really fun commenting on pictures and i can see how idealistic and creative my beloved friends are in calling names,making fun of people in the pictures and such(but of course suma org pun tak kesah!).the length of comments that popped-up every second was radiculous that they can be compiled and published as a comic.seriously,i was laughing like hell reading them.

offnote,my mum went fishing again last weekend and the catch was unbelievably a lot!i wished i could go too.huwaaa!akan ku gilap pancing rod tu smp berkilat biaq ikan-ikan terpikat bila daku balik nti.

alamak,there's a medium-sized pimple just popped-out at the chin and owchhh,it's painful.i need oxy.

the pics are taken by my friends,ms aiza,mr jay and mr hadi.thanx a mill!i honestly think u guys have enormous talent in photography!keep up the good work okay!

owh ya, attention to all hardcore fans of the matrix,there's a pre-sequel of the movie here