Friday, August 24, 2007

i need moreeeee time plis!

duduk tak duduk,berdiri and bangun,lagi kurang 2 mgu aku nak balik ireland.aku sedih.mak aku lae sedih.actually dia yg counting days lebih dr first aku igt dia tak amek pot sgt pasai berapa banyak hari lae aku kat umah,tidoq-makan-tidoq-makan,tapi tekaan gue mmg salah.she does care in fact too much.penah bulan lepas aku kuaqkan plastik yg balut beg besaq yang selalu ikut aku pi balik pi balik ireland.(plastik tu dibalut oleh mak aku yg sgt prihatin takut beg aku berhabuk dok lama sgt 3 bulan tepi dinding).cdangnya nak masuk kan brg yg aku beli untuk kegunaan aku kat ireland,yelah kalau tak bubuh sekarang nescaya gue lupa.then sedar2 she's already behind me saying"apa gmah buat dengan beg tu?nak balik sana dah ka?" and dia pluk aku sekali gus!
adeihhhh berair mata gue.tapi kerana aku ayu aku jawab"apa mak nie,gmah just masuk2 kan barang yg pi beli tadik..takut lupa.nti lupa mak marah lak'.hehe ayu tak aku?haha

p/s:entry kali nie macam poyo dgn bahsa rojak max.suka baca,tak suka dipersilakan bounce baby!

itu cerita sebenaqnya aku tiada cerita gembira untuk dibuat karangan di sini.cuma aku ingin meminta maaf kerana aku tidak dapat menghadirkan dirik aku ke majlis konvo seorang kawan.actually i planned to go there.that's the only thing that i've ever planned like months was part of 'must do' list in my head.tapi aku kira kesilapan aku jugak,i had a fight with my sister the night before that left me wordless and speechless for 3 days make things worse i'm her loyal penumpang dalam kereta dia.(takkan nak kata she's my loyal driver pulak since the car and driving skill yg maha hebat tu milik dia!).so to ****,im really sorry i couldn't make it to ur big day.i know how much it meant for you and i hope we can be friends u.

baju raya aku dah 80% siap.i contributed some skills in combining the pieces of cloth together.hehe..bangga tuh.u know menjahit is not easy especially if u have 'tangan bangku',if u know what i mean.but it's fun to make it a part of mother-daughter activity.merapatkan ukhwah gitu.haha.that's not funny i know.

forgive me for rantling too much today.i missed someone so badly.



Saturday, August 4, 2007

sleepless nights

so much fear to endure...

in silence i pray...

when reality strikes,i'll be more than ready....

GOD is always with me :)

nothing sad happen.cuma terfikir lebih kurang sebulan nak balik ireland.gimme goosebumps.buduh!

the must tell!




Wolkswagon beetle


Mini cooper?

Wait-a-minute!!!!this is not the highlight for the day.i ain’t buying any cars whatsoever.the most important thing for today is ….~drumrolls~I’m goin to announce that i passed the driving test and to add more sugar in it,I’m also allowed to ride a motorcyle on the road after this(selalunya bawak dalam kampung ja…)muahahah…I likeeee!at first I thought it’s enuff to get a driving license since it’s not really suitable for a woman to ride a motorbike.however my parents insisted that I take both tests since I always merempit dalam leh le merempit kat jalan raya pulak…OOOpppppssss…terpecah rahsia.heheh.honestly it’s a big sigh for me not having to repeat neither of the tests because I felt 2/3 of my summer hols was spent on this driving lessons and belajar cara-cara menghayun tangan sebanyak 3 kali apabila mahu membelok di kala menunggang motosikal honda cup separa hancur.couldn’t imagine if I have to prolong the hours driving with sumbody nagging besides me in the car
For not using the right gear or not slowing down the vehicle when i came to a sharp curve(wpun meter hadlaju menunjukkan baru 40km/j)!w’pun begitu, I owe a lot to my driving instructor for teaching me how to handle a car from scratch till I passed the test only at the first attempt!u rawk pakcik!!!!!

Ok sudah…sudah…nti dicap org mengangkat bakul sendri pulak.klau ada buah deriyan lam bakul tu takpa gak.hee….tomorrow,im goin back to a place that made me a person who I am now.changing me from a girl to a grown up lady,teaching me how to survive in the lack of pretty much everything….and in that place also,I learnt to control myself when facing a terrible moment in my life…a moment that changed it all…..

Need my beauty sleep now….and prepare to go back to the good old days……..