Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007



exams coming up.
no reason to stay here long.
pouring out a few words would be good.
especially in the state of mind where i cannot think much.
my crowded brain says i need to stay calm and and quiet for i dunno how long.
as i'm falling deeper into infinite darkness and hardly explained sadness.
please pray for colours to come back and for rainbow to follow the sun.
so the heat and light can bring back the forgotten smiles.

Friday, October 19, 2007

never been happier

how are u guys getting on with lives?
hari ini i held an open house.basically we people in dublin would organize a small party to celebrate eid every year.inviting some friends over and cook some foods for them.it's a way of celebrating the eid and strengthen the bond called friendship.it's fun once in a while to have a get together like this especially for medical students like us who's life evolves around books most of the time.at least this would open some space for us to socialise and rest our brain from the stress of studying.
around 60 people came and to my surprise,the food wasn't enough.not like last year where there were a lot of left-overs that ended up in the rubbish bin.however today we have to rush cooking more to top up the balance which is obviously not enough for people who present at that time and for those who still searching their way to our house.alhamdulillah..we always ready for plan B just in case we face a situation like this and the xtra food was ready in no time.i believe everyone had a good time including us the hosts.knowing our guests having a few rounds of meals enough to prove that the food was edible if not as tasty as what they eat at home.owh btw,the menu are fried rice with grilled chickens and vege soup and curry mee.the desserts are banana fritters and fruit punch.u guys must be wondering how come we didn't include any ketupat or lemang or any decent raya delicacies in our menu.the reason being, we are kinda bored with ketupat and lemang ang lontong.so we decided to have it a bit different this time.well...as far as i concerned,the guests just loved the food provided.hehe.apa-apapun i hope none of them is having diarrhoea(hish..selalu eja ni btoi,arini konpius lak)or in malay,cirit birit caused by the food.the early birds arrived around 12 and the last guest left around 10pm.in a nutshell,the open house went well although im nearly get heart attacked when seeing the food was depleting very fast before we carried out the plan B.apa-apapun looking forward for next year open house and insyaAllah,the menu will be different.
now is time for personal matter.yesterday after i finished my haematology and immunosupression disease's tutorial,i got a sms from incik syir.he's in Bintulu already.wow,that's fast!usually it took more than 2 weeks b4 i can hear from him again.but this week is not even 2 weeks yet and he's already texting me asking how am i doing.the timing just nice,cos things didn't really going great for me this week and it's nice to have sumbody dear to you asking how's ur life treating u.he anchored last nite and only this morning his ship got offshored.klau ship smp malam,dia kena anchor somewhere dulu,tak boleh tros masuk port sbb less people working at night and not enuff staffs to incharge of the loading of the LNG.so segala proses meloading gas akn dijalankan keesokkan harinya and the next morning juga kapal akn masuk port.berlainan klau kapal smp pagi,dia akn tros masuk port and and the next morning(around 5 dah prepare enggine)the kapal will be onshore again.so this time i have xtra time with him and the precious xtra bit really makes me happy.smp org rumah tanya awat kerap sgt dia call today?hahaha..ermm..i guess he misses me=).you,have a smooth sailing journey.see u when i get to see u.take care of yourself as i always pray for ur safety wherever u may go.
oklah.mata dah mengantuk and i'll continue when i have enough material to write about.till then,take care.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

bila tibanya Syawal...

bila rasa gembira tepuk tangan,clap!!clap!!hehe.Syawal dis yr is meriah with many open houses attended and more is coming up.

here the cronology of my raya celebrations dis year:

1st Syawal:
when to malaysian hall early in the morning to perform eid prayer.met so many malaysians.good opportinity to seek forgiveness and make some new friends.the best thing is the prayer was conducted according to malaysian stail.the takbir was exactly being said using malaysian rhythm and khutbah was read in malay.ohhoo..i miss my beloved country already.

happy smiley faces on the early morning of eid.these are my beloved classmates

after that,went back home.ate homemade ketupats and lemang with rendang tok,kuah kacang and lontong.sedappp..mmmg sdap!hehe
then bermulalah episod open house-hunting!the 1st was at ballsbridge.great people,great foods!

this house is like a hotel,with a spacious living room and a beautiful chandelier.but i'm more interested in standing by the window.nice scenery.

2nd house,the maples!great people greater foods!yeah,ketupat jawi or nasi impit with roti jala and rendang,ayam masak merah,lontong.mmg best!

2nd Syawal:
malaysian embassy organised another open house this year.unfortunately it was held at the backyard of malaysian hall,not in the Astra Hall like previous yrs.we have to stand while eating.but great oppurtinity to meet other malaysian and hurrmm... making new friends.food was okay,but i guess to much ketupat kinda makes me muak.

di malaysian hall

4th Syawal:
The white oaks's turn today.ketupat again with rendang,tandoori chicken and kari ayam.sarah n co masak.tak muak ok.i love the tandoori chicken!but unlucky me cos i couldn't get to taste the rendang.tina said it was sooo sedap.it was cleared when i was performing zuhr prayer.takpalah..i'll ask sarah to cook again next time.

mengintai dr tirai dapur.hehe

among the guests

my house goin to "bukak rumah" dis coming friday.jemputlah dtg after jumaat prayer.lots of foods!i promise!see ya aight!

okies.till then.wait for more reports on what's happening in dublin in the next entry ok.chioww!

p/s:yeay got plan for winter hols!massive plan!semuga semua berjalan lancar.ameen!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

special edition

salam ramadhan kepada semua.

sebenarnya sedih nk ucap salam ramadhan tu sbb the ramadhan is about to leave us soon.beberapa hari je boleh sembahyang terawikh,bersahur dan of course berpuasa.sekejap je rasa.
dah lama blog di tak diupdate.ya,saya agk busy.kelas,tutorial...cukup untuk membuatkan saya malas dan ketiadaan idea.semester ni,w'pun kelas tidak beberapa byk,tetapi kebanyakkan start pada awal pagi.my greatest weakness to wake up early in the morning.huhu.so ptg ini,saya telah menamatkan tutorial yg sepatutnya berlansung esok petang dengan jayanya.ini bermakna esok adalah hari yg akn di look forward=P
bulan ramadhan tahun ini byk membawa makna kepada saya.entah kenapa tetapi saya rasa byk petunjuk yang saya dapat dalam bulan ini.petunjuk kepada persoalan-persoalan yang tiada jawapan sebelum ini,baik tentang hal-hal peribadi mahupun yang general.saya lebih nampak apa yang saya nak dalam kehidupan saya dan juga makna sebenar kenapa saya dihantar ke bumi sejuk beku ini pada usia muda dan menghabiskan saki baki zaman remaja saya di sini.mungkin tuhan mahu saya melihat banyak perkara dari perspektif berbeza,supaya saya tahan dan tabah menghadapi apa saja ujian yang diberikanNya dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun.kenapa bahasa saya agak puitis?hurrmmm..kerana jiwa saya penuh dengan rasa kecil diri kepadaNya.ya,apabila saya evaluate diri saya,saya akn rasa sayu dan syahdu.huhu.rasa kecil tidak berdaya.
okielah,untuk tidak memanjangkan rasa sedih saya dengan peninggalan ramadhan dan mixed feelings yang tidak sepatutnya di layan,ada beberapa perkara yg membuatkan saya look forward to syawal.Allah dah kurniakan Syawal selepas ramadhan.oleh itu saya patut bersyukur kerana ia adalah petanda kemenangan.tahun ini raya agk special.kami serumah berpakat untuk mmbuat kueh raya.ya,kueh raya buatan sendri.special bukan?so far,3 jenis berjaya disiapkan.biskut makmur(my fave),biskut peanut butter dan biskut coklat.terima kasih aini kerana menjadi ibu kepada kami=)
sekarang juga lagu raya kedengaran di mana2 sahaja.baik stesen radio melayu hatta radio inggeris.bagus bukan.betapa aidilfitri disambut dengan meriah sekali.seronoknya jika dapat beraya di malaysia.ahh..lupakan.3 tahun lae insyaAllah.

yang paling penting,saya berharap syawal kali ini akn mmbawa 1000 kegembiraan buat orang-orang yang saya sayangi.

mak dan bapak:
w'pun saya tiada untuk menyambutnya bersama kalian,kalain tetap di hati saya,pada hari raya,hari esok dan hari-hari mendatang.seribu keampunan saya pinta atas segala keterlanjuran yang saya lakukan di dalam mahupun di luar sedar.kerana kalian saya masih berdiri,masih berlari dan bersemangat menempuh apa saja yang ditakdirkan untuk saya.

kakak-kakak dan abg tercinta:
tiada bandingan kasih sayang kalian semua.maaf atas segala kedegilan,kemalasan saya dan terima kasih kerana sanggup berkorban untuk saya.masih berbekas di hati di mana kalian dipukul atas kesalahan saya.sanggup manjadi pak sanggup kerana takut adik yg kecik menjadi mangsa amarah akibat kesalahan sendiri.dunia saya bercahaya kerana kalian.

anak-anak saudara saya tersayang:
tahun ni lae sekali tak dapat main mercun,pasang pelita sama-sama.study hard and smart kerana perjalanan hidup ini tidak mudah dan memerlukan byk bekalan ilmu dan pengorbanan.salam lebaran anak-anak sedara ku sayang.

tahun nie sekali lagi kita berhari raya di benua berbeza.percayalah,iA pengorbanan kita ada ganjarannya.kerja baik-baik dan maaf segala kesalahan dan pengucapan yg mengguris hati.

maaf diatas segala khilaf.semuga persahabatan kita sampai ke syurga.

salam lebaran dari saya yang jauh di bumi ireland.