Friday, February 29, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

sedey la.


tak byk nk cakap malam ni.
tapi sgt sedey.
nak bercerita,silap timing pula.
esok saya cuba lagi.
doakan saya.
dapat tiket murah balik mesia.
sbb saya nak sgt balik.
jumpa mak,bapak dan kakak tersayang.
doakan saya ye.

Monday, February 25, 2008

don't u want to have kids?


after a dosage of love,i feel like blogging=P

p/s:ni topic 18sx kot.budak2 tutop mata.

this a form of male sterilisation.more effective than female sterilisation (1/2000 failure rate after 2 negative semen analyses compared to female sterilisation with failure rate of 1/200 women).ini bermakna,secara kasarnya,u won't be able to have kids after u buat vesectomy ni.owh ya,vasectomy is ligation and removal of a small segment of vas deferens,thereby preventing release of sperm.sebenarnya saya nak cerita,once, i've read in CLEO megazine(tak igt dah issue berapa),satu interview conducted untuk peserta-peserta CLEO's most eligible bachelor.i barely remember the question but it's sumthing like what is the worst thing that can happen to dlm2 byk2 choices tu ada la vasectomy be honest,yang choices lain tu semua materialistik semata where klau hilang pun still there's sumthing can be done to get it back like posh cars and CUN girlfren.malangnya,byk je contestants yg jwb they dun mind having vasectomy over losing sumthing yang agak2 material tu.hello,r u losing ur mind?u know that there will be no next generation of yours if u buat vasectomy?(unless there's another severe medical condition yang suggestive of u doing so!)sorry..ter emo pulak.bukan apa,u have other options if you intend not to have any offspring now.but who knows if u nak one day,no reversal maaannn.....i was reading my lecture notes when i came across this topic.just to share what i think is right.different people different opinions closed.

hari ni.bola byk masuk longkang.with only one strike,mmg kena boO kat diri sendrik.selamat tak main bersama incik ichigo.konpem dia tanak main dah lenkali.tapi seronok=)wanna know why?the whole 3rd med students,malaysian,irish and canadian actually involved.1st time we do things together.bak kata aini,klau org bom Stillorgan bowling centre ni,maka pupuslah 3rd med UCD class 2010.hehe.dun worry,we all are still safe and sound here.heheh.meriah.masuk longkang pun longkang lah.asal kami addition,we paid only euro2 for an hour game instead of paying the usual euro8++ everytime we played.kopak beb.
no pics uploaded yet.i'll edit once i get the pictures.

okies,special note to kakak and incik ichigo....makan ubat and do sumthing bout ur pening-pening and headache tu.i'm worrying every sec here.i love u both.deeply.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

.bukan goodbye,tapi jumpa lagi 2.

this is the continuation of the last entry.enjoy.

Sabtu 23Feb2008
The Maples.

ayamBBQaini,tina,59roebuckcastle,the maples,mashed potatojeemNaiza,coleslawsahak,puding caramelmamai,lasagna,baked pastasarahNcorom,carrot cakesarahaminNjasmine,mee soupnadia,sushisyawal,popia goreng,aiskrimekin,


majlis ni khas untuk sahabat-sahabat saya yang akan pulang ke penang medical college(PMC) lebey kurang 2 minggu lae.for your infomation,UCD medical school is divided into 2 programmes.the full course which the students complete their whole length of medical studies here in ireland and the other one is a programme where the preclinical years will be done here while clinical years will be done in penang,malaysia.
so to show them how much we love and appreciate the friendship built,we threw them a party.

i will let the pictures tell the rest of the story=)

setting up the fire.

ayam yang diperap semalaman

pembakar-pembakar ala-ala macho.

BBQued chicken!






gambar atas gambar?

sumone said there's a penelope's twin here.guess which one?

3 different expressions here.happy.macam bagus.suka tapi malu perhaps?ahaha

muaaaaahhhhhss.....tok sapa fatin?

ok.ini funny.he looked entertained!didn't he?

the sharp shooters on duty were:

them!i love this!


her.penuh gaya=)

the pictures taken were filled with laughters and joy and so did we.the day went by so quickly even i didn't realise that i have to catch the last bus last nite.thank you so much dear beloved friends for the wonderful memories we have shared all this while.may this friendship remain forever and semoga kita semua dirahmatiNya sepanjang masa.see you guys soon in penang.insyaAllah.

p/s:credits to all photographers.too many of them.tenkiu again.

.bukan goodbye,tapi jumpa lagi.


entry kali ni akan mengisahkan majlis makan-makan.

Tea party at 59 Donore Avenue.
alkisahnya begini...dalam perjalanan pulang setelah menonton Juno.
tina:ahad ni i nak wat pasembor
(bulat bijik mata saya mendengarnya!biaq btoi?)
jay:nak jugak.
aini:dtgla umah
jay:esok aku dtg(saya tatau dia serious ke tak sbb logik ja dia dtg since rumah kami sekangkang kera jerk)
aini:okeylah..kita panggil ramai sketlah dtg.i nk pgl sarah n the geng.
jeem:i okey jerk.nak masak apa lae?
aini:hurmm...kita wat ringan-ringan je lah.ala-ala minum ptg.i nk wat cendol
(sekali lagi bulat mata saya!)
jeem:yeay.i sukaaaa cendol!
aiza:i wat kek lah.

bertemakan tea party....maka berkumpul lah kami di 59 Donore Ave.pasembor=rojak.

antara kandungan pasembor.

the penggoreng and pemotong-pemotong tegar.look at full of concentration.haha

the cupcakes.each of us had our own personalised cupcake with our initials printed on it.

the guests and host

w'pun cendol digantikan dengan kueh tikam lidah,rasanya hampir serupa n i loiiikkeeee=D.
we ate,we chatted,we played games and we enjoyed ourselves in each other's company.that's for sure=)

there's one more event first i was thinking of writing it in the same entry but it looks like this entry is long enough with just one event.i shall continue in a different post.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

when the heels walked gracefully on the runway...


pukul 4.15....saya bergegas keluar dari vincent hospital-clonskeugh mosque,jauh gila!tapi saya gagahkan diri.sesampainya di sana,kepala dah start berputar.selamat ada tgan aini yang mampu melegakan kepala yg berpinar tu.thanx a lot dear.selepas tu,pegang make-up...start conteng!saya bersama-sama housemates yang lain with fatin and ekin jd make-up artist.seronok.pegang berus make-up..letak foundation,matchkan lipstik.ok...nti sesapa nak kawen..we bg special discount.hehe.around 7,the fashion show started.wah......sapa kata doctors(BAKAL doctors)takdak life?kami bershopping..kami tgok wyg and see...we can even be models u know.hahah.....but in muslimah way laa...mcm-mcm fashion,from nk pi kelas,ke tempat kerja,bersukan dan ke special events.the fashion show somehow gave me more ideas on how to dress up properly as a muslimah.congratulations to all winners.i envied them!30,60,100 euro vouchers of branded clothings tau!bleh bershopping spree la korang eh.incik ichigo(saya tau kamu baca ini!),saya mau satu palette eye shadow baru bleh..macam ini---->
bronze shimmer brick compact by BOBBY BROWN(guna fatin punya tdik...the colurs really blend together kalu mix and match.

atau ini....

pink raspberry face palette by BOBBY BROWN

takpun yang ini....

this is M.A.C eyeshadow palette.on the left is how u see it when it's kan pic tu...on the right are the colours jugak....

apa?awak nak belikan?hohoho.....makasih la....wat susah-susah ja...ahaks.okey..itu ayat buatan sendrik kerana berangan mat jenin.heheh...tapi serious lawa.......and saya naaaakkk!!!!

haha..macam browse catalog pulak.kalau saya jdik promoter bahagian make-up ni..confirm that particular company or brand will really make money maaannnn......

UCD dolls...thanx a lot for letting us conteng your faces.what i can say is..u girls really made of natural beauty that glows when u were walking on that runway.beutiful ladies with beautiful souls=)

oklah..kepla dah pening-pening..see u guys in the next entry yap~

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

aku rasa sedikit manis setelah pahit.apa kamu rasa?


i feel's been a long time since the last time i felt happy.baru sedar,dah lama perkataan 'gembira' nie hilang.tadi kumpul ramai-ramai,doing what i love makes me truly happy.some people trying very hard to feel happy.they came up with so many things to make themselves happy.tapi kekadang expectation itu tak kesampaian dan gedebuk...hati rasa bergolek-golek.sangat sakit.mungkin itulah punca ramai yang berhenti mencari kegembiraan.sakit itu membuatkan ramai manusia lebih berhati-hati berkongsi kegembiraan.sebab itulah semua yang gembira tidak perlu dikongsi.mungkin ada yang akan gembira bersama-sama,tidak kurang juga menutup telinga memejamkan mata dan membiarkan kegembiraan yang ingin dikongsi itu berlalu sahaja.bak kata org putih"just gone with the wind"....cheewahhh....kadang-kadang saya rasa ada org yang sangat memahami.ada org yang akan bergembira bersama bila mendengar rasa gembira yang saya's worthless!what i felt is worthless...saya hanya mengharapkan seseorngan untuk berkongsi apa yang saya suka,apa yang saya rasa bersama-sama.tapi saya kecewa.hurm.......

saya rasa awak akan faham,
tapi rupanya awak tidak faham,
atau mungkin awak tidak cuba faham,
kerana memahami sesuatu yang penting untuk saya,
tidak mendatangkan apa-apa untuk awak,
atau sekadar membuang masa awak,
ataupun tak cukup penting untuk difahami,
tidakkah awak sedar,
the smallest thing for you could be the most important thing for me,
perkara kecik itulah yang memberi senyuman kepada saya,
memberi saya nafas dalam kehidupan,
tak mengapa,mungkin itu semua tak perlu dicerita,
simpan sahaja di dalam dada.
senang cerita.

itu sahaja.selamat malam.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

kau tahu cerita aku,aku simpan cerita kamu.


kisah hari valentine di dublin.
pagi-pagi lagi dah dapat senaskhah suratkhabar HERALD di tgn."eh,kenapa pelik paper ni harini?"...nak tahu kenapa?it's pink!yes,every pages!bayangkan suratkhabar sebesar harian metro kat Malaysia tu berwarna pink setiap helaiannya and it's free of charge=)that's how people here celebrating valentine's day.pulang dr rumah kawan di The Goats..naik LUAS ke St Stephen Green Station(LUAS adalah pengangkutan awam macam LRT).masuk-masuk jerk..npk kelopak bunga ros bertaburan atas lantai tren."owh org mmg sambut Valentine".kiri kanan depan belakang saya semua pasangan yg sibuk bercium,showing some love for each other while the girls holding a rose or a bouquet of flowers in their hands .LEMAS!sampai jerk destinasi yg dituju,tanpa berlengah lagi terus cabut keluaq.for me,today is the same as every other day.nothing special.bukan culture saya and i have no one to celebrate with.

kisah JUMPER.

pi tgok wyg dengan aiza.jatuh cinta la dengan hayden christensen tu.haaaaa......kenapa dia sgt gorgeous!i wanna jump around the world with,rome,egypt(on top of the sphinx)..everywhere possible with a blink of eyes.klau dia tak sudi..nk mntak tolong hiro nakamura lah.pi jepun.dok tunggu org lain bawak pi jepun...mcm nak tak nak jerk.=(..berbalik kepada cerita tadik,the story was ok.wasn't up to my expectation tho.bukan tak best..cuma 'kureng' sket....hurmmmm...pi tgok sendrik lah,baru tau macam mana's the art of teleporting that never fail to amaze me!

the jedi cum jumper

kisah esok hari.
esok ada psychiatry seminar at St Vincent Hosp from 2-4pm.another long seronok-seronok nak main bowling bagai,saya akn berada di hospital buat sekian kalinya minggu ini.tak apa....balik kepada nawaitu asal..studi itu ibadah..buat dengan ikhlas key azimah.
ptg ada date dengan housemates tersayang.nk tau pi mana?tungguuu.......

oklah semua.mahu beradu.harini hari stress.saya mahu berehat.tata.jumpa lgi.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008



baru jerk cakap pasai dah lama tak demam.harini dah separa demam.haiiihh...dugaan.woke up this morning feeling a lil bit unwell.after performing suboh prayer,sms my housemate, telling her i was not going to the 1st lecture.then,had a mug of honeynut cornflakes(syarat je ni sbb nak mkn ubat) and telan sepeket tell the truth,i hate the taste of soluble drugs(the kind yg kena larutkan dalam air dulu tu..)rasa macam air 100 plus,tapi tak sedap punya version.but what to do,that's the only thing i have in my drawer.immediately after that,i went back to sleep.sedaq-sedaq,alarm dah bunyi.10.30!gone 3 lectures.haha.unfortunately,i couldn't bermanja2 longer under the duvet since i have group meeting at 1 followed by clinical skills workshop at 2.alhamdulillah i felt better,jumped off the bed,took my shower and off i went to uni.

group meeting tak berjalan lancar.we got a topic that is closely related to our life as a medical student.the title is Medical students:professional behaviour and fitness to practice.we have to continue the discussion tomorrow because it took more than an hour and it was time for our least we came up with a draft on how our project will be done.progression is important.and with 'samurai' present,i'm sure the project is going to be finished on time.kaaannn myra.i told you.he is what he is!
samurai is one of my groupmate that acts like he's the bos and always wanted everything to be carried out his the nickname was given by my irish friends.why samurai?he's cha ya nun aliff.hehe.see the relevance?

hari ini sebelah mataku kaburrrr....with vision 20:20(alhamdulillah...masih terjaga),not being able to utilise one eye optimally sgtlah menyusahkan.masa dalam workshop tadik,the tutor asked one of us a favor.saya dengan baik hatinya mengangkat tgn to volunteer.she put a drop of eye solution into my left eye and 5 mins later my left eye became blurry.actually the solution is to make the pupil(part of our eye,kira bahagian hitam tu)dilates so it's easier for my friends to spot the vessels.gosh mmg ia dilated atau mengembang dengan berjayanya leaving me with one eye half-blind.macam mana saya tahu ia mengembang sedangkan itu mata saya sendrik?actually i looked into another volunteer's eye who had the same eye solution dropped into her eye.terkejut gila tgok betapa besarnya it dilates and tanya my friend"pupil aku besaq tu jugak ke?"hahah....but being able to contribute sumthing to be learnt by others is satisfying enough=).sekarang nak baca pun kena slow2 sbb focus guna satu mata jerk.esok ada small MCQ exam for professional clinical practice module.wish me luck friends.10%...10% nie...

sila bezakan saiz bahagian hitam mata kanan dan mata kiri 2 gambar di atas

ok.gtg.lae 3 lecture kena revise.have a good day everyone.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

it's already 12.40 a.m

salam all.

apa habaq semua?
harap-harap sehat la hendaknya.i'm fine.hehe.alhamdulillah..dah lama rasanya tak demam atau kena selesema.petanda baik.i used to get sick easily.sekejap-sekejap demam.selesema toksah cakaplah.minggu ni baik,minggu depan kena balik.but i guess i've been ignoring my health back then till i start taking few precautions to avoid from being sick that often.hurmm...usaha itu perlu sebenarnya.a dose of vit C everynight before bedtime works on me(dengan kehendak Allah jua)=)

actually i miss blogging.eventhough i have no interesting topic to write about,the urge to just type whatever i can has gone over the threshold of laziness.another petanda baik.hihi.sekejap saja weekends.esok dah isnin...owh another monday blues.another cycle of early morning days will begin tomorrow.if only i could extend this precious weekend....huhuhhu.esok after lectures kena pi crumlin children hospital for 2 hours session.seeing patients and taking history,these are definately what i'll be doing tomorrow.klau masuk ward takpa gak,ni depa guna the same approach as what we've been doing in last not that i hate going to crumlin,but the lecture or seminar or sesi bersama patients tu amatlah membosankan(selamat jumpa kanak-kanak,terubat sket hati ni).plus the travelling really sucks my energy dry.the only thing that i like is the journey back home will only take one bus instead of 2.straight away home after hospital session.bahagia.enuff said.

aren't they adorable?lately i have this easy feeling being around babies and kids.adakah ini petanda baik juga?kihkihkih

owh lupa,penantian dah berakhir.i'm glad u'r home at last.enjoy and make it worthwhile....

okielah,it's time to Zzzzz....let's hope for a better day!nite.

Monday, February 4, 2008

hoyyyeeeeahhhhh...rasa nk lompat-lompat gitu=)


apologize sgt kepada semua org sebab kelambatan nk post entry baru.been bz with school.yeah,new semester is pretty hectic with lectures in the morning and workshops or hospital visits in the afternoon.pendek katanya,keluaq pagi...balik dh gelap.during winter,night time is longer than daytime.around 5 dah gelap.cuaca pun sgt lah could be bright with sunshine in the morning and raining in the afternoon.sejuk!

first of all,results for last winter exam were out this morning.alhamdulillah...everything is good for me.the exam is the hardest so far sepanjang saya bergelar"mad student"'s horrible!still remember i nearly cried after gastrointestinal diseases paper.gosh....mmg susah idea what crap did i write as anwers but's done and the result tak mengecewakan=))

after checking my result,the first one that i called is my mother.couldn't contain my happiness and the sense of relief in me.she sounded happy upon hearing it.very happy.and i'm happy to make her happy. while we were in the middle of conversation(with giggling and laughing with each other)i heard my mum shrieked so suddenly.bunyi mcm a rat just crossed her feet.saya pula yg panic.i asked her what had happened?she hesitate to tell me at first,but after a few times begging,she told me at dad just poke her hip when he came across her talking on the phone on the way to the kitchen.saja je nak kejutkan my wonder dia malu2 nk bitau what happen.tetiba timbul rasa bahagia di hati kecil saya.that simple gesture really touched me deeply.they have never done those kind of silly things since i was born.not in front of parents are not a romantic couple, to tell u the truth.but what had happened makes me their 60's and after 41 years married to each other ...they are still into each fact the love has grown stronger after all this while.they even shared the same hobby,FISHING!!they both,very passionate about fishing.sampai jiran2 pun tahu,klau ketuk pintu,no one answer tu mmg sah lah diorang kat pantai lah i know why my mum fought so hard for what she believed is hers,while other women would simply give up and let theirs slipped away.....ehem..tetiba emotional pula.
love u both so deeply!that's all i can say. my bestest friend,
one sms has changed my day.
love u too ;P

hurmm...apa nk cerita lae yerk...owh ya,ttg semester baru.honestly i like this semester more than the last this semester we have lectures,skills workshops and hospital visits.if we are lucky,we get to visit patients in the ward and do history takings or physical exams on i feel like a medical student.=)bukan apa,after 3 and a half yrs(plus foundation)going to lectures,reading and do exams at the end of semesters,i eventually felt sick n least now we have chances to really experience what we have been taught all these years.all the modules pun mostly interesting...psychiatry,paed,obstetric and gynaecology,history taking,therapeutic intervention and not to forget professional clinical practice.last subject tu spoilt sket sbb there's a project we need to do even in 3rd yr.i thought i'm done with group project this sem but...hmmmmm.....ada's's a part and parcel of being a student.

oklah,enuff for today.nti ada cerita best lae saya post lagi key.till then,take care everyone.senyum selalu=)