Wednesday, February 20, 2008

when the heels walked gracefully on the runway...


pukul 4.15....saya bergegas keluar dari vincent hospital-clonskeugh mosque,jauh gila!tapi saya gagahkan diri.sesampainya di sana,kepala dah start berputar.selamat ada tgan aini yang mampu melegakan kepala yg berpinar tu.thanx a lot dear.selepas tu,pegang make-up...start conteng!saya bersama-sama housemates yang lain with fatin and ekin jd make-up artist.seronok.pegang berus make-up..letak foundation,matchkan lipstik.ok...nti sesapa nak kawen..we bg special discount.hehe.around 7,the fashion show started.wah......sapa kata doctors(BAKAL doctors)takdak life?kami bershopping..kami tgok wyg and see...we can even be models u know.hahah.....but in muslimah way laa...mcm-mcm fashion,from nk pi kelas,ke tempat kerja,bersukan dan ke special events.the fashion show somehow gave me more ideas on how to dress up properly as a muslimah.congratulations to all winners.i envied them!30,60,100 euro vouchers of branded clothings tau!bleh bershopping spree la korang eh.incik ichigo(saya tau kamu baca ini!),saya mau satu palette eye shadow baru bleh..macam ini---->
bronze shimmer brick compact by BOBBY BROWN(guna fatin punya tdik...the colurs really blend together kalu mix and match.

atau ini....

pink raspberry face palette by BOBBY BROWN

takpun yang ini....

this is M.A.C eyeshadow palette.on the left is how u see it when it's kan pic tu...on the right are the colours jugak....

apa?awak nak belikan?hohoho.....makasih la....wat susah-susah ja...ahaks.okey..itu ayat buatan sendrik kerana berangan mat jenin.heheh...tapi serious lawa.......and saya naaaakkk!!!!

haha..macam browse catalog pulak.kalau saya jdik promoter bahagian make-up ni..confirm that particular company or brand will really make money maaannnn......

UCD dolls...thanx a lot for letting us conteng your faces.what i can say is..u girls really made of natural beauty that glows when u were walking on that runway.beutiful ladies with beautiful souls=)

oklah..kepla dah pening-pening..see u guys in the next entry yap~

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