how's everyone?(ntah ada ntah idak org yg baca blog nie)
i'm and sound here in 59 donore avenue,south circular road dublin 8,ireland(alamat da bagi,boley pos kad raya nie=)).landed on the 6th sept around 10+pm.the journey back here was ....erm tiring and kinda long.stranded in heathrow for more than 1 hour.flight delayed due to bad weather in dublin.and..1st time balik time posa.mmg hancus la.anyway,i had chance fasting 5 days in malaysia.nikmat.on the 1st day posa rasa nk melawat PARAM(pasar ramadhan) je tetiap ari,tapi on the last day je dapat because my eldest sister is so kind to cook special meals for iftar everyday.laksa penang dia mmg!tak dapat kat mana2 restaurant pun lah.sayaaaaang kakak.=)but on the last day i escaped to PARAM with my elder sister and my two nieces.balik rumah sepuluh jari ada beg plastik.terkejut mak tgok.
"mak dah agak,klau hang terlepas,ni la jadinya".
saya senyum je lah.rileks mak,bukan selalu dapat camni.hehe.
"Salman ibn Amir Dhabi related that the Prophet said: Break your fast with dates, or else with water, for it is pure (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)".
i resumed my crazy student life starting last monday.mcm gila semester nie.nausea(the feeling of throwing up)bila tgok the schedule that has been printed for us.siap on call lae.terbaik lah.i got district hospital as a starter.two buses is a must.jauh ya amat.selamat mkn free.bukan makan di siang hari,tapau la.but the staffs,be it doctors,nurses even consultants are kind and very friendly.they always have extra time giving us tutorials and asking lots of questions toO!i had 3 weeks of rotations at the same hospital last sem so i'm quite familiar with the fact the student advisor still remember me.u r so cute PATTY.tapi daku hairan,dia masuk kul 10am,balik kul 4pm and kerja 3-4 days in a week and the next thing i know,she'll be on holiday the following week .bgus eh kerja camni?apa2 pun,this is a new start for me. 4th year means 4x works and effort to be done.we'll see how it goes from time to time.
balik sini ja dah windu family kat kampung.igt mak and akak mst sebak.bulan2 puasa nie mereka berbuka berdua je lah.if only i could be there making it 3 of us...huhu.mak dah ok sket.w'pun ada sisa2 kesedihan(itu yg nampak.yang tak nampak Allah je yg tau),but i know she's strong,for me and my siblings.incik ichigo pun tgh kat lautan.i'm worried sick bout him.bukan sebab kapal dia lalu teluk aden tu...ntah...maybe sbb apa yg jadi involve kerjaya dia.harap2 dia sehat and dilindungiNya selalu.he called asking for me the other day.maybe his ship anchored in japan.unfortunately i was on my flight to ireland at that time.melepas.rindulah.
~:my beloveds:~
okaylah.saya dah mula melalut.selamat berpuasa dan pertingkatkan lah kesabaran di bulan yg mulia nie okay.see you in the next entry=)
had a good blast time masa kat msia kan. waaaa... rindu gak!
I love Ireland :)
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