Sunday, February 1, 2009
new place,folks.
i'm moving to a new place here
it's not fully ready yet but i'm updating it from time to time.saja nak rasa angin baru pulak.asek datang tempat yg sama ja.hehe.
but i couldn't transfer all the stuffs here such as the archive,the links of my friends and those little small things at the side to the new blog.just in case i forget to link any of you my beloved blogger friends,please tell me to do so.almaklumla,i saya sgt tak reti nak adjust-adjust pasal blog nie.
well,jumpa kat rumah baru lah then.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
one step at a time. more thing settled=)
at the time being,i'm moderately busy so i'm using the left-over time i mean the time i have left after a day in hospital for myself and ehem..for personal things juga's dreadful to endure yet another rotation next week not knowing how busy i'll be in that rotation.however,putting that aside,i'm already heating up the engine,settling whatever need to be done bit by bit so that everything will go smoothly as i planned.yes,as i planned!cheewah,mcm ada projek besar aja.haha.again,semoga Tuhan permudahkan.
when i like being in one particular rotation as in now,mesti time flies dengan cepat.pastu bila smp khamis dah sedih sbb i have to move on to another rotation's like playing musical chairs.the difference is,no winner or loser,hopefully.ahaks.
owh to all my chinese friends,happy chinese new year.i know it's a bit late but hey,better late than never right?usually at this time at home,mesti berkotak-kotak limau nk dimakan.rindu pulak suasana di malaysia.huuu...
okielah.enough for now.see ya.
Monday, January 26, 2009
counting days.
i'm not getting married yet.ahaks.not in the near future.somehow i'm truly happy for a different reason.dalam happy-happy nie,takut pun ada.eventhough i'm done with the hardest part,the insecure feeling is still there.maybe i'm paranoid.mungkin juga in denial.atau too overwhelmed.
whatever it is,jeem is already singing her la la song,it's my happy song.kenapa?well..i'm not telling....yet.too early untuk berpesta.keskeskes.
back to the daily routines,i kinda like wearing the weird attire(contain lead)everytime having to observe any radiology procedures.rasa bes pulak boleh on and off the white coat and wearing something else that makes me look ....hideous.haha.maybe i'm sick of looking decent all the time?
okies peeps.i think i'm a bit exhausted from too much excitement just now.
gudie nite=)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
dream on.
never been happier=)
ya Tuhan,permudahkan.amin.
and tomorrow i'll be back in mater.miss my friends over there.and back to the old same routines.hopefully radiology won't let me down.
ahhh...i'm still smiling..
every second,everyday.angau.haha.
wait,bila chinese new year?patutkah i wish today?anyone please tell me.
i want lots of mandarin oranges juga!heee.....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
.you give me hell.
dear consultant,
thank you for making my life miserable in these 3 weeks.i appreciate it.i hope u'r happy wif what u have done to us.i just think of u as another arrogant consultant who's always full of yourself.u just ruined my day.thank you so much.
i'm stuck here till tomorrow.i could catch the earliest train tomorrow and be back in dublin as early as 11a.m if i get my 2 evaluation sheets signed by my consultant today but he decided to sign just one and left another one for tomorrow,after i present a case and join the ward round.i've been there for almost 3 weeks.never missed any ward rounds with him except on the first day which totally not my fault and did every single thing told by him.what's the difference if he let me go a day earlier?i really hate him!enuff said.
on a different note,my incik ichigo finally signed off today.yeay..hiphip hoooreyyy!tapi,i'm not there to see him pun.takpa..takpa....all this while pun camni.dah immune(w'pun dlm hati kecik sgt sedeh:'( )what makes me sad is not being able to be there at the arrival gate to welcome him home as he usually did on my homecoming.on top of that,he's always the first one to arrive at klia.i still remember last 2 summers when no one waited for me as i touched down early around 7a.m and i was hopeless and helpless without any ringgit or coins to make a call(my brother overslept and turned up more than an hour later).and naseb baik aiza and her family tgu sama-sama.rasa nak nanges time tu.sad and alone.and then i saw his face and all the worries just dissappeared.i'm not exaggerating.i just knew i'm not alone anymore and safe.hurm....
i'm sorry,i'm not there when u come back.if i could make things easier and happier,i would.and i really wish i could be there.anyway,u should enjoy urself with ur family and friends after nearly 7months onboard.u deserved the holiday and be happy.okay?=)
okey,itu ja nk cakap back soon.take care peeps;)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
.no more beli-belah.
finally i have to execute my a-long-time-ago new year resolution which is to stop shopping unnecessary stuffs especially dresses and shoes from now on.i'm officially broke and here i am,far away from from dublin.perfect sebab kat sini tiada kedai kasutan mahupun bajuan dan i haven't had a chance to walk around town yet which i don't plan to at this time of financial crisis.owh how depressing talking about shopping cessation nie.sobsobsob..
on a lighter note,this week gonna be my final week here in tullamore.thank god.i'm not hating this place,but i love 59 donore avenue more where my room is.i'm dreading to go to hospital tomorrow because i didn't stay back for on-call last friday.there'll be post on-call ward round first thing in the morning and i have no case to present.booohOO.friday is time to go home.bukan duduk melangut kat AnE tgu patient yang sejam satu pon belom tentu.yang pasti i enjoyed my weekend to the max.and to friends who kena paksa keluaq bilik berkali-kali dan yang kena baling dek tepung tu,happy buffday/upcoming buffday!older but wiser orang kata.may Allah bless u.
and yes,faizal tahir rawks!i love the performance.unique and he looked gothic with the black nail polish!but meet uncle hussein's awesome!the joker face on the main vocalist,it suited him well!i thought FT gonna win but when MUH swept the award for pop rock,my instint immediately told me,no nope him,THEY gonna win this time!since i'm in da mood of anugerah juara lagu,let's sing sampai syurga together since tone of lagu untukmu is too high to reach.muahahah.
Sampai syurga~Faizal Tahir
Ku membenarkan jiwaku
Untuk mencintaimu
Ku persembahkan hidupku
Untuk bersama kamu
Dan diriku untuk kamu
Belum pernah kumerasai begitu
Semua itu telah berlalu
Harapanku palsu
Dan mungkin hari yang satu
Terus ku tertunggu
Di hatiku masih kamu
Belum pernah ku ingin terus memburu
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku inginmu dampingi ku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Namun aku tetap aku
Yang terbaik untuk diriku
Hanya satu
Hanya kamu
Ku membiarkan hatiku
Untuk merinduimu
Ku menghamparkan sakitku
Untuk tatapan kamu
Bersamamu harapanku
Hilang dalam terang yang membutakanku
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku inginmu dampingi ku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Sampai syurga ku menunggu
Sampai syurga ku cintamu
Hanya kamu
Dan segala yang ku ada
Ku berikan semua
Untuk dirimu saja
Ku mahu dirimu
Bahagia untuk selamanya
Biar sampai syurga
Aku menunggu cinta darimu
Agar ku sempurna
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Namun aku tetap aku
Yang terbaik tuk diriku
Hanya satu
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku inginmu dampingi ku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Sampai syurga ku menunggu
Sampai syurga ku cintamu
Hanya kamu
p/s:incik ichigo,since u kata faizal tahir i poyo,i'm not gonna dedicate this song to you.padan muka!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
.buffday bash.
today we celebrated 2 buffdays.up till this week,dah 3 celebrated.tu belom tambah yang tak dicelebrate.and more's fun.especially when i need something fun and enjoyable when i'm back in dublin after a hell of a week in Tullamore.saya rasa la kan.....mak-mak yang lahirkan babies in january 1985 dah pakat ramai-ramai dah antaq anak depa ke dublin buat medic kot.haha.mmg bulan nie meriah gila.kira asek makan besaq je la kitorang every wiken.camno nak kurus?haa...tu lae satu masalah.sejak balik dari turkey nie,muka dah bulat sket,pants semua dah erm..ketat.ngeri nk tengok muka sendri dlm gambaq.nak amek gambaq pun dah mula malas.boooOOOOO!perlukah dibuat sesuatu atau membuat sesuatu?hahah.tengoklah macam mana.dengan krisis kewangan yang meruncing,elok saja posa kot.jimat pun jimat....pahala dapat dan yang mana kena ganti pun langsai cepat.kan?
wahai lautan,
boleh tak pulangkan bulan saya,
supaya boleh saya katakan padanya,
bulan,tanpamu malam sedikit gelap dan bintang sunyi tak berteman,
bulan,tanpamu juga ym dan sms ku tiada berjawapan.kekekeke
haha..saya rasa nk rujuk balik cikgu sastera masa form 5 dulu kot.
dan seperti biasa,saya masih menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba.doakan ia menjadi kenyataan w'pun...erm,bulan?mana logik jatuh ke riba kan?ntah apa-apa...okey lah,sebelom saya menunggu matahari jatuh ke tapak tangan pulak,baik zzzzZZZZZ dulu.
selamat malam eh pagi..=)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
.unbroken strings.
first of all,
i've tried a quiz on what medical specialty i should be on.
surprise..surprise.i hate to tell this but lets check it out!
The medical specialty for you is.... Cardiology
Cardiology is the best of all specialties. As a cardiologist, you'll be sure to profit from the sharp increase in obesity. You'll open at clinic across the street from a McDonalds and retire a billionaire.
To find out what specialty best fits your unique personality, go to:
What Medical Specialty Is For You?
being in cardiology team at the moment,i find this specialty is quite interesting in it's own way.apart from the mean consultant i have to deal with right now,i have no problem working up every patient signs and symptoms to formulate the diagnoses,of course with the guidance of my superiors(luckily the SHO and intern are kind enough to bear with this know-nothing med student).it's kinda straight forward cases once u know the heart physiology and what drugs to use.
while blog-hopping,i've just noticed i got tagged by cik azie! lama dah kena tag nie.sowee yerk,tak perasan.since it's short and simple,i'll do it.
1. Do you think you’re hot?
yes,i'm underneath the duvet and on top of a layer of electric blankie.what do you expect?heheh.i dunno.mungkin suam-suam kuku be honest i dun think so.
2. Upload your favourite pictures of yourself:
3. Why do you like these pictures?
picture A:it reminds me of the beautiful scenary i've seen through the lens.
picture B:candid in chaos.
picture C:pinkish surroundings.nice.
picture D:i still couldn't believe how on earth i terjumped like that!
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
super supreme in pizza hut, istanbul last 1 get 1 free with 1L of,enuff said.
5.The last song you listened to?
sweet about me-gabriella cilmi.she reminds me of duffy=)
6.What are you doing right now besides this?
switching over tv's Save the last dance on 2 finish this fast.
7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
anything nice that starts with A.
8.Who are the next people you will tag?
anyone who likes to kill time.dipersilakan.
erm,done wif the tag=P
anyway,last night i was mad with someone.someone i rarely have any disagreements with.i got carried away and we hung up the phone in anger.i think he's angry too.i'm all prepared to fight back just in case he brings up the issue again.jahatkan?bukan nk settle elok2.ahaks.tapi masalahnya,saya nak berperang dengan pertubuhan bangsa-bangsa bersatu(PBB).hence i can never win or lose.i guess the preparation is not about to win or anything,but it's more on shielding myself from embarassment since all the fights usually started from me who always ikutkan hati.and he on the other hand always the rational one and never let anything comes in between us.never.and maybe this is the reason why during our 5 years together,we've never been in a big fight.kecik-kecik tu i feel bad.he was really on the mood of talking to me after a week of losing connection and i spoilt it all.i hate this feeling.and to make the feeling worse,he called me up this morning before departure telling me he'll do things to make me happy again.adoi.....saya rasa makin kecik di sini.i deserve a slap on the face,not as a punishment but to make me realize that no one can ever beat him in loving me.
ah,entry emo lae.sekian.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
going back to istanbul.
i miss istanbul.i really do.the atmosphere is erm...addictive.rasa nak pergi lagi,lagi dan lagi.the people are very pleasant and down-to-earth.but the most unforgettable thing is the food.turkish,western,chinese..u name it.semua kami belasah.heheh.price? they are darn cheap too!owh it's orgasmic to think about what we had been eating there.basically this vacation was meant for eating besides travelling...and yep a bit of shopping toO.sedikit sahaja sbb saya kena berjims since i'm a bit out of buject.sebelom saya lupa,i have secret to tell.after this bukan secret lae dah la kan.the men over there are mostly handsome and gorgeous belaka.susah la nak cari yg tak handsome(incik ichigo mst merah muka baca nie,tapi takpa i'm already mad at him let the war begins!hohoho).even penjual roti canai dressed to kill.haha.and juga sgt pembersih.been cleaning the counter 5times in 10 mins of my observation period kot.hats off!
okies enuff bout that...let us visit one of the magnificent blue mosques in turkey,Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul.
the entrance
one of the chandeliers
the ablution area(tempat wuduk)
the corridor outside.
we couldn't take picture from outside because the weather was horrible that was pouring heavily and we were freezing hands felt numb even when i kept them in my pockets most of the time.'s one a.m already.i have ground round at 8 tomorrow.
till next time.nite
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
the 2 T's minus one
entry kali nie nk cerita pasal 2 tempat.
turki dan tullamore
Tullamore.i've been posted here for 3 weeks of elective.jalan-jalan sambil kena belajaq at the same time,dia jadi kurang best la kan.kawasan nie agak kampung dengan pemandangan yang hijau dah sejuk mata memandang(juga sejuk teramat dr segi cuaca gak).before i came here,there's one pakcik we met was telling us once we get off the train,we'll smell the tahi lembu.tapi tak bau pun?maybe he's giving us hint that this place is far in the countryside of ireland.the best thing about tullamore is the BnB or bed and breakfast or the accomodation i'm living in right now.the owner is super duper down to earth.he dropped us in and picked us up from hospital since we are the only students who are car-less(the irish are driving their own vehicles).sometimes we car-pooled with the other students.he made us good breakfast.cereal,toast,bull's eye fried eggs,coffee,orange juice,fruits,yougurt..semua ada.nasik lemak je dia tak pandai buat.hihi.the room here is a bit cold but..but..but...he supplied us with electric blankie.haa....dah masuk bawah duvet tu malaslah nak keluaq balik.i think i'm gonna put on some weight if i stay here longer.mana taknya,breakfast org hospital org hantarkan,pastu asek nk tido ja....hahah.and the bestest thing,i got away from hospital around 11 a.m on most days.this is impossible if i were in mater hospital dublin(unless i declare my own half-day la kan).owh lagi satu....i'm attached to general medicine's team which comprises of an irish consultant,an indian/arab registrar,arab and african SHOs and a japanese intern and last but not least me myself a malaysian medical student.see how multiracial we are and yet we are speaking the same language.diversity.hehe.
erm...actually i planned to take u guys to Istanbul.but i don't know what happen i couldn't upload any's ok,i'll upload them some other time ok.owh i went to watch 2 movies jsut now.2-2 pun best=)
slumdog millionaire.

this movie is simply AWESOME!when i first read the synopsis,i told myself"this movie has a unique storyline.i'm gonna like it".i didn't even watch the trailer like i usually did with the other movies.this movie is is a mixed of bollywood and hollywood.for those who like bollywood,dun expect any singing or dancing around the trees part,u'll be dissappointed!but this movie really shows the other side of life that we don't usually get in typical bollywood movies.and they speak English most of the time's highly recommended!if your gf/bf doesnt like Bollywood,please,please,please drag him/her along...this might be the first bollywood movie he/she are goin to enjoy!

aha,this movie is witty!it's funny how 2 bestfriends fight their rights to own a date to have their wedding held at this one particular place.apart from laughing, this movie did make my eyes welled at times especially when the issues of friendship were brought up.yes,good friends stand up for each other most of the times.
and i like the part when one of the maid of honor mentioned how sickening that every bride has to be perfect head to toe before the's like today's trend where everything has to be tip-top,the gowns,the venues(hotel 5 bintang),catering,flowers and whatsnot and they spend an awful lot of money on that.dun get me wrong,yes...marriage is once in a lifetime tapi tak payah kot nak spend puloh or ratus ribu-riban for just one day event and worse hutang bank for that matter.i dun mind klau nak buat grand-grand if u could afford it but klau sekadar nak keep up with trend or just because jiran sebelah or anak kawan mak buat majlis kahwin 10 hari sepuloh mlm kita pun nak wat 11hari sepuloh malam tak ke riya' the way,this kind of matter is subjective.i just put forward my lain pk lain.but i do love the vera wang wedding gowns though=P.but i hate that they are not made to fit us,but we made ourselves fit them(meaning if we gemok,exercise!)hahah.
i like my wedding to be simple but perfect in my way and his,of course=).berangan.heh.
okies,better stop now.dah pg.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
dreams shattered into pieces.
cry,that's not what i do best,
scream?yes i think so,
a listener....i have one,
perhaps that's enough.
life goes on,
time will heal,
dats what they say,
i think it's true.
after all this while,
comes whatever,
i'm still as hard as a rock,
still in one piece.
i wish my heart is the same.
Friday, January 2, 2009
it's more than a bunch of HOT vampires!
yeah back here again.see...when i'm not busy with hospital or not travelling anywhere,here i am.typing word by word about my not-so-boring life (i think).hehe.
after ten days being away,i'm glad to be back home,here in dublin.i could smell my own room again,golek-golek on my own bed,pelok the teddy bear that i missed so much and paling tak disangka-sangka berperasaan sangat happy dapat jumpa my housemate and the friends yang pergi tenerife without we all.owh how much i missed them(hoho...perasan lah mereka bila baca nie,but seriously missed u myra and the guys so much!).i just had dinner with them after about 2 weeks not seeing them or having them around.bila jumpa balik tetiba rasa happy.ntah,the feeling just there out of sudden.i think i missed the stupid jokes the most!at the same time everything is back to normal and dublin feels like home again=).so a bunch of cun and hot friends is what matter the most!muahahah.
eh i better stop being too mushy-mushy here or else i'll be the victim of their pranks tomorrow.let's see what i brought back from turkey:
turkish airlines 8)
what to eat?
owh,look nice=p
l.o.m.a.n.t.i.c!mkn bersila nie.
itu baru 1st nite di sultan ahmet, istanbul.i guess u guys have to be a little more patient because i'm gonna stop here since i'm too sleepy already.nti smbg eh.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
it's time!
happy new year everyone!=)
where was i at 12 last nite?owh in the cozy hotel room at Istanbul erm....sleeping!haha.too tired to join the party on the new year's eve.flight back to dublin was at 7.40a.m this morning and 4 and a half hours of journey was filled with again...ZZzzzzzz.
it's already 2009.owh wait,is that means i'm gonna get my medical degree by next year?~mata bersinar-sinar!~ameen~ahaha.tak sabar nk abeskan medicine nie.penat woO.
new year means it's time for new many do you guys have this year?i haven't counted mine yet but there are few in my head.what are those is not important.the most important thing is how to achieve them.
so friends and foes...again,HAPPY NEW YEAR.hope everyone will have a prosperous and successful year ahead!
and yessss,it's's time for someone to sign-off.i'm crossing-fingers now.the office better release him this month or i'll bomb the office.bukan susah nk cari dayabumi tuh!,mind me for being emotional.sekali-sekali ok kot.huhuhu.
alright,pics of turkiye will follow soon.take care.