Friday, January 26, 2007

life with no meaning?it's the end!

everyday is a new class of a subject named "life".no matter how easy or difficult this subject might be,classes must never be missed!mistakes are always there to be our teacher and success is our friend,our motivator thus making these 2 elements as vital aspects in learning processes.either u keep on learning or u die without dignity in pain n regret

p/s:sumtimes things are too bitter to be swallowed,but life's too short for us to consider how it tastes like.pahit tak berpanjangan,manis tak berkekalan.dengan doa dan sabar akn ku harungi jua...

Thursday, January 25, 2007



3.15pm(irish time)

calling mak...


me:assalamualaikum mak...

mak:wa'alaikumsalam...gmah ke?

me:a'ah gmah ni.

mak:apa khabar?(i love when she says this part,so ceria as she is...)

me:alhamdulillah.mak sehat?

mak:sehat jugak...erm...gmah..mak nak habaq nie...(she started to sound a bit different,wierd i would say..usually this kinda tone indicates a serious matter is on the way to my ear drum)

me:apa mak?bgtau la....(GOD knows how suspense it was..lub dup lub dup)

mak:kelmarin kawan mak telefon..katanya..bla..bla..bla...

me:WUT????HUH?????PAGAL HAI!

haaaa!!!!!why now?not now!too young....baru nak masuk 22 tahun.huhu..serious tak layak!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

it's freaking cold!

hye entry for the past few days.been busy with school.yeah my "glorious school days" have already started!looking forward to it actually(cuti lelama pon buhsan) except for the practicals and hospital visits.if tolak 2 menda ni tinggal apa yerk?hahah...actually i'm looking forward to see my friends n lecturers again.that's all.hihi.first week is not bad at all i guess.just lectures to be attended.other stuffs of my med (MAD)school haven't started yet.wut i mean is the worst part of it i told u at the beginning of this entry.after all, this is a part of my life that i worked hard for all these enter medical school!so bersabarlah saya menempuhinya...
talking about "sabar",i think i really have to double my patience since i've lost my beloved this:

It's actually a gift from my dad.sayangnya...when sumbody jarang bagi kita hadiah and when he did,u can imagine how valuable this is to me!and it's white in color.uwaaaa!!!!when i realized that i lost it,i'm speechless,too sad to even talk to other people.i only told my hosmates the next day cos i'm afraid they would send me sms or give me a call.but the way i lost it is quite was like first, i'm holding it,texting sumbody a message and next,in a sec,it's gone.couldn't even think what i did before that.nak kata misplaced,dah cari dalam bilik macam gila.maybe it's time ALLAH wanted to test measure how strong i am in handling baru hilang barang baru...blom lagi diduga hilang org2 tersayang..nau' now feel like "patah kaki".handphone is one of the most important means of communication to me.need new simcard but definately not a new broke at the moment.back to my cikai nokia la nampaknya.huwaaaaaaa!!!!!!erm..when u are in trouble like this,u can really see people around u who really care bout housemates tersayang,tenkiu for your concerns...they are the best housemates anyone could have asked for.kdg2 org salah paham tentang saya.i admit i'm clumsy n always create problems to my surroundings but that doesn't mean i purposely drop my properties everywhere,ilangkan itu just happened!nothing i can do about it and saya bukan juga org yg tak kisah tentang menda2 yg berlaku ini.nampak macam i didn't care at all or wat2 tak tahu but deep inside,i tried my best to control my emotion.being sad or crying urself out loud won't help to fix things up.i prefer to just stay in my own room alone and avoid from talking to anyone for a's just my own way of calming myself down.anak bongsu juga pandai berdikari and bukan sekadar menghabiskan duit mak bapak kerana mak bapak saya bukan org kaya jauh sekali jutawan.
so,pls dun send anymore msg to this no 0857799558.i'll inform my new number as soon as i buy a new one.
there's sumthing in my mind that bothers me so much!can't tell but hope it will go away and i can live in peace.


Friday, January 19, 2007

let's see

Your Birthdate: June 1

You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet.
You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily.
Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail.
You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.

Your strength: Your supreme genius

Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity

Your power color: Gold

Your power symbol: Star

Your power month: January

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

kain batik.baju batik dan kek batik

salamz! 1st attempt was a success!hehe..after being tasted by two professional chefs in da house,it was gud they said except for the structure which a bit fragile .hmmmm...i agree!mungkin sbb i used semi-skimmed milk instead of condensed milk.well..igtkan first attempt ni susah nak menjadi,tapi heheh..i made it yessSSs!although it was just a simple'kek batik'(mesti member2 saya gelak guling2 kerana mereka membuat kek batik ini sebelah tangan sahaja sambil menggunakan sebelah mata juga)heheh,for me it was an achievement since i dun really have much interest in baking.i prefer cooking than baking perhaps because i dun have enough patience to memukul telur sampai kembang,nak sieve tepung lagik and bakar.leceh n byk kerja.on the other hands,cooking is easy.u just fry,boil or steam whatever u wanna eat and waLLa! without u realising it,the food has already been transferred to ur stomach.furthermore,my mum rarely bake anything at home.we usually buy cakes,biscuits or traditional 'kueh' for breakfast.her reason was there are only 4 of us in da house(3 minus me now) penat je nak membuat kueh2 itu sbb end up mesti tak abes.takkan nak bakar kek setengah tray je kan.hehe.that's another contributing factor why i don't bake.but tetiba rasa nak wat kek batik jemputlah.the pics isn't the one i made cos' right after i took it out from the fridge,it was gone in a minute!heheh...

so tired today,went out to settle few things..ermm..actually only one thing,but it took most of my time n energy today so i felt like i've been doing so much work!tired of getting on n off the a result,i slept dengan bagusnya while watching 'employee of the month' with aiza just now.adaka patut?sian aiza.looked like she's watching it all alone although im right next to her,ZZZZzzzzz....dun do that again azimah u sleepy head!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

thank you incik meja...


this afternoon mr desk(actually i dunno what his real name is but we called him desk,yeah meja...heheh) came to fix the pipe that connects our toilet to the outside punya sistem perpaipan.there's leakage that causes water to drain like 'sungai' just outside my room in our first i thought it was raining outside cause it sounds like heavy downpour but after a while then i realized it was a make it worse,the water that came from our toilet actually 'bertakung' at the area i mention above.the very not nice scenery outside my,i dun bother to open my curtains every morning since the pemandangan tak menenangkan ati langsung,except at times when i need extra room is kind of dark and gloomy because i dun get direct sunlight into my the problem was fixed so there's no more 'banjir kilat' after this.hehehe...i dunno what time did he leave after working so hard to get rid of that stinky water.but i heard bunyik org mengcangkul when i was sleeping(and also org jerit..jeem!!desk dtg,so ko leh smbg tido lagik!) ibarat org mengantuk disorongkan bantal,immediately after that i ZZzzzz balik.heheh)thanx again mr desk.he's our landlady's bestfren(ye ke?mcm boyfren dia je..)quite old already but he's an architect tau.not bad and sgtlah baik..ok,enuff talking bout him.

Today is my first attempt to_______erm..takyah cakap lah.i shy..shy.
.heheh.nti dah dapat hasilnya,i will paste it here.but im in short of sugar.last resort,i walked to a nearby SPAR.ala2 7-eleven kat mesia la.all the way there,i noticed sumthing...roads in dublin are very clean!much cleaner than in malaysia.maybe this is the only thing yang tadak kat mesia.every morning(and kdg2 petang pun..)there's Dublin City Council's worker cleaning the roads using special kind of vehicle.erm..maybe i could suggest to malaysian goverment to use the same way as they use here to maintain the cleanliness in 2007 is 'TAHUN MELAWAT MALAYSIA'we need to show the tourists that our country is as good as theirs in every way possible!eh puji dublin lebey2 i beginning to like dublin?erm....

before i sign out,i've found TINA! and also hercules!have a look:

my life-saving worrier and tina the warrior princess out of kidnapped by logness the monster!


Saturday, January 13, 2007

i'm in LOVE again....

eHeM..EhEm...cheewah,jgn panic yerk..nothing big or's just im in love with them!i couldn't stop watching this series for the past 4 days non stop except when i got to sleep!huhu..really berantu this series!thums up n reccomended to those whose suffering any symptom of boredom! lah..tapi cita nie dah cam setaun dua dah.maybe im the only one (korean fans)yg tak tgk yg chummel dan bersemangat!
It's about this pro(giler pro)liar who make her living by using her lying skills(dlm cita ni di ajar in details how to cheat dengan effective sekali.PLEASE DUN TRY THIS AT HOME!)actually she didn't mean to lie or cheat other people in the first place,but under certain circumstances,she had to!so she ended up being a full-time liar n earn quite a large sum of money doing that.funny huh how lying can make lots of money and as a bonus she got a chance to marry a very tampan/kacak/handsome guy in the world!huuuu...tak aci!!!but on the other hands,she n the guy were punished quite terribly by their acts!hhhmmmppphhhhh....byk gak moral of the story that could be learnt!klau nak tahu go figure out! a nutshell,dun cheat!BERDOSA!!!
dan sebab cerita ini juga,Saya dah jatuh cinta dengan dia!huhu...

Okies..sekadar review cerita untuk kali ni.dah pening kepala mengantuk.lately my sleep-wake cycles were not in proper order i have excess of cortisol or maybe imbalance of hypothalamus hormones?ewww..that's hard to figure out!

Friday, January 12, 2007


hermmm....i've been unlucky these past few days..first,when i went out to town yesterday,sumthing bad happen.but takyah lah cita cos it's just making me stupid so i rather keep it as a secret..secondly,my apple dah getting slower in processing mmg tatahan sedeh.i can bare ilang barang but not this one.huhuhu..pehtu ai realise my ixus65 dah making funny sound everytime i snap a pic.huwaarrggghh...why?why me?uhuks!and tadi one of the buttons kat my hp's keypad is not doin gud as to any receiver of my msg,maafkanlah saya jikalau msg saya tak space out nicely.
but anything happen to me regarding my material belonging doesn't matter as much as problem that related to my loved niece yg baru setaun lebih was admitted to hospital bcos she involved in an accident while playing with her 2nd sis.her leg swells and although it doesn't sound that kronik,but she's just a lil' kid.the pain was unbearable to her.tambah2 when u heard she can already dance and sing in front of her grandparents...huuu...i feel like goin home and peluk her kuat2!the worst thing is,my sis just uploaded her daughter's pics and i couldn't open my email langsung.menda yg plg teruk bila kita tinggal jauh dengan family is u cannot be there when sumthing bad happen to them.sabar azimah...sabar....and tadik,someone dear to me told me he cannot use his number nemore b'cos of my stupidity!huuu....again kdg2 saya rasa saya idup untuk menyusahkan org lain.penahkan kamu2 rasa begitu?mungkinkah bcos im so ignorant?kdg2 saya rasa saya nak idup kat planet lain sorang2 supaya i just create troubles for myself,so that other people dun get affected by them.once,i cried in my mum's lap,telling her how sorry i am after i've caused her so much troubles n how i didn't mean it to happen.she said to me no matter how bad the situation i've caused,when she thinks back the moments when i made her proud and happy,they r all enough to erase all the anger and dissapointment she has for me.she's truly a mother!to the owner of the number above,im sorry.i really do.i know u really..reaalllyyy wanna keep the number forever,but b'cos of me we both lost it.ia bukan sekadar nombor handphone.ia adalah 'kami'.believe me.saya syg number itu lebey dari maafkan saya.sumtimes i just wanna be under my cosy duvet(selimut) forever bukan shj sbb it's warm n comfortable,malah sya tak akn menyusahkan org,sya tak perlu jumpa org dan mengutuk saya sbb sya pakai tudung,supaya saya tak carry wang yg byk dan ia bertabur merata2,supaya saya tak berjalan2 dan terpijak bahan kumuh dari anjing yg beribu kat sini,supaya sya tidak terlupa untuk senyum kalau jumpa classmates saya atau mereka yang bertudung labuh dan berkopiah di tepi jalan,dan supaya saya tidak perlu berkomunikasi dengan orang yang sentiasa hendak menang dalam setiap perbualan w'pun pengetahuannya dalam sesuatu hal itu terlalu cetek.tolong jgn buat saya ketawa dalam hati akibat kebodohan anda itu.
okies...i've written too much.cukuplah 4 today.time to regain my strengh n be a woman!no more help from ultraman,superman,gaban and suria perkasa hitam whatsoever!heheh...mari bertapa!!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


salamz all,
im writing this without any special specific things to tell nor to story about.but since it's new year(hope it's not too late yet),let us think about new year's resolution(s).i do have a few in my mind that waiting to be done n accomplished!here it begins:
1)to be a gud muslim(bunyik cam bagus but this one kena stick wit me every year cos tak kira 100 taun ia menjadi my annual resolution,ia tetap susah untuk dicapai.should i make it daily reso?hahah..
2)to improve my cgpa this year.erm...last year was my worst year in terms of quantity of study per hour per day.i'd spent most of my time doing unneccessary stuffs like surfing over the internet for hours,watching youtube,watching movies nearly everyday and a result,i ended up feeling terribly bad n nervous masa exam winter aritu because of not enuff preparation for every subject.
3)nak kurangkan daydreaming n angan2 mat jeninku yg sumtimes sgt indah berbunga2(seriously tak bgus ini habit).life is not always bright n shiny.i should be prepared for the rainy days and always ready for the unexpected.
4)and last but not least,saya nak rapatkan balik kengkawan yang jauh atau dekat yg dah lama tak contact.i lost my besfren once.i dunno wether she realises it or not but it does give my life a big to my frens,jauh atau dekat,sorry for the time that i would not be able to replace,the time when i ignore u guys.the distance makes it so hard.hope we can still keep in touch and be friends till the end of time.(aida n shakirah,aku syg kamu!)

okies,that's all i guess for this year.hopefully 2007 going to be much better than the past years.let us hope and pray for the best=)
owh a bit bout my was a blast!to my housemates(aiza,aini,tina n wong)u guys rock!to syir,nothing more beautiful than spending the time wit u(he actually spent his whole winter hols wit me!thanx dear!)to corom,gbam and giant,thanx for being our bodyguards sepanjang vacation aritu and thank u also for taking care of us!to myra n her ehem-ehem,hope u enjoy spending time with us w'pun sekejap cuma.looking forward to go on a vacation with u ol again!muaaaaakkkzzz!i miss globetrotter inn laa...