Wednesday, January 24, 2007

it's freaking cold!

hye entry for the past few days.been busy with school.yeah my "glorious school days" have already started!looking forward to it actually(cuti lelama pon buhsan) except for the practicals and hospital visits.if tolak 2 menda ni tinggal apa yerk?hahah...actually i'm looking forward to see my friends n lecturers again.that's all.hihi.first week is not bad at all i guess.just lectures to be attended.other stuffs of my med (MAD)school haven't started yet.wut i mean is the worst part of it i told u at the beginning of this entry.after all, this is a part of my life that i worked hard for all these enter medical school!so bersabarlah saya menempuhinya...
talking about "sabar",i think i really have to double my patience since i've lost my beloved this:

It's actually a gift from my dad.sayangnya...when sumbody jarang bagi kita hadiah and when he did,u can imagine how valuable this is to me!and it's white in color.uwaaaa!!!!when i realized that i lost it,i'm speechless,too sad to even talk to other people.i only told my hosmates the next day cos i'm afraid they would send me sms or give me a call.but the way i lost it is quite was like first, i'm holding it,texting sumbody a message and next,in a sec,it's gone.couldn't even think what i did before that.nak kata misplaced,dah cari dalam bilik macam gila.maybe it's time ALLAH wanted to test measure how strong i am in handling baru hilang barang baru...blom lagi diduga hilang org2 tersayang..nau' now feel like "patah kaki".handphone is one of the most important means of communication to me.need new simcard but definately not a new broke at the moment.back to my cikai nokia la nampaknya.huwaaaaaaa!!!!!!erm..when u are in trouble like this,u can really see people around u who really care bout housemates tersayang,tenkiu for your concerns...they are the best housemates anyone could have asked for.kdg2 org salah paham tentang saya.i admit i'm clumsy n always create problems to my surroundings but that doesn't mean i purposely drop my properties everywhere,ilangkan itu just happened!nothing i can do about it and saya bukan juga org yg tak kisah tentang menda2 yg berlaku ini.nampak macam i didn't care at all or wat2 tak tahu but deep inside,i tried my best to control my emotion.being sad or crying urself out loud won't help to fix things up.i prefer to just stay in my own room alone and avoid from talking to anyone for a's just my own way of calming myself down.anak bongsu juga pandai berdikari and bukan sekadar menghabiskan duit mak bapak kerana mak bapak saya bukan org kaya jauh sekali jutawan.
so,pls dun send anymore msg to this no 0857799558.i'll inform my new number as soon as i buy a new one.
there's sumthing in my mind that bothers me so much!can't tell but hope it will go away and i can live in peace.


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