arini btui2 kosong..sebenarnya byk nak studi but,erm...the absence of mood makes me buhsan.hehe...bila la nak boleh stadi btul2...arini ni nak pi galway.urusan kerja..cheewah.then boley jumpa farah,sarinah,aimi...they are my friends.we came together masa 1st year dulu.matrik's batch.golongan yg pupus dah sekarang.heheh..wonder why MARA doesn't send anymore students here...rugi tau takleh dtg cni.heheh..
okies...before i type anymore crap here,better i go study a bit. then pack apa yg ptut n off i go to galway.
see u tomorrow...
p/s;nak kembali ke zaman silam...lupakan sekejap apa yg dirasai hari ini=(
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
i was just thinking...kenapalah manusia termasuk saya suka sgt nak mempercepatkan masa supaya sesuatu yg kita rancang/jangka/tunggu cepat berlaku..dan ini mestilah benda baik2 belaka.tapi kenapakah bila kita sudah makin tua,beruban,muka dah berkedut2..kita takut untuk melangkah ke masa depan kerana bimbang usia kita akn sampai ke penghujungnya walhal sesuatu perkara telah ditentunkan oleh suatu kuasa besar di atas sana regardless of our age ia akn tetap berlaku.kalau DIA mahu janin dalam kandungan w'pun baru 7 bulan keluar melihat dunia,siapakah kita nak menyekat.klau DIA mempercepatkan seorang gadis 12 tahun untuk bertemu dengan jodohnya,siapakah kita untuk mempersoalkannya..dan jika nenek tua yg hampir 200tahun masih sehat berjalan,siapakah kita untuk mempersoalkan bilakah ajalnya akn sampai.what we should do is use the time given wisely and beneficially cos we live just once.sesuatu permulaan kurang penting jikalau dibandingkan dengan pengakhirannya...
erm...susah2 saja saya menyesakkan hati dan kepala dengan persoalan2 yg tak perlu dipikirkan lagi...=)..yess i found the answer!thanx blog!
i was just thinking...kenapalah manusia termasuk saya suka sgt nak mempercepatkan masa supaya sesuatu yg kita rancang/jangka/tunggu cepat berlaku..dan ini mestilah benda baik2 belaka.tapi kenapakah bila kita sudah makin tua,beruban,muka dah berkedut2..kita takut untuk melangkah ke masa depan kerana bimbang usia kita akn sampai ke penghujungnya walhal sesuatu perkara telah ditentunkan oleh suatu kuasa besar di atas sana regardless of our age ia akn tetap berlaku.kalau DIA mahu janin dalam kandungan w'pun baru 7 bulan keluar melihat dunia,siapakah kita nak menyekat.klau DIA mempercepatkan seorang gadis 12 tahun untuk bertemu dengan jodohnya,siapakah kita untuk mempersoalkannya..dan jika nenek tua yg hampir 200tahun masih sehat berjalan,siapakah kita untuk mempersoalkan bilakah ajalnya akn sampai.what we should do is use the time given wisely and beneficially cos we live just once.sesuatu permulaan kurang penting jikalau dibandingkan dengan pengakhirannya...
erm...susah2 saja saya menyesakkan hati dan kepala dengan persoalan2 yg tak perlu dipikirkan lagi...=)..yess i found the answer!thanx blog!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
happpiness is a bless!
im happy.too happy!thank is definately better than yesterday n hopefully tomorrow lebih baik n bermakna.
1st reason of my happiness:i just skyped with my mum for lots to catch up and tak sedar pun we wasted nearly an hour gossipping!dun blame us cos' we tak mengumpat sesapa.hahah...i'm very close,super duper close to my mum.she's my besfren although our gap(in terms of age)mmg mcm langit dengan bumi.she's in early 60's while im in my early 20's...selalunya klau a daughter rapat super tu gap umur dia ngan mak dia tak jauh.mcm rory and her mother lorelai(ni utk org yg menonton gilmore girls yerk).but in my case,age doesn't matter.hehe..she knows everything about me...hei..of course la her daughter but wut i meant here is it's beyond wut mums always know bout their children.nothing is confidential to my mum,from crush to beloved boyfriend,she's my number one advisor...hahah...and she always got the priviledge of knowing my special sumone 1st since the day i started to get involve in this mushi2 thingy.hahah...i dun have to worry if sumone try to spread rumours or tell my secrets to other people cos she won't.cayang mak!
2nd reason:she also told me my sister already has a plan for us during my summer holiday.we are going sumwhere special this year.yabedaa bedooo....but kita hanya merancang,tuhan yg menentukan.YA ALLAH..kau berkatilah dan permudahkanlah rancangan sister is the main planner in da takyah nak perah2 otak pkiq lagik.hehe...she got that from my dad's genetic.everything well planned and perfect!
3rd reason:yesterday i had a fight(or should i say merajuk...)but today,semua back to thing i like about him is,he makes things so easy to go through eventhough it's kinda complicated at first.toleransi itu penting.i double my love for u key!hehe..
4th reason:tutorial cardiovascular and renal diseases done!although ada lubang2 but at least im prepared for tomorrow...hopefully not amanda mcAnn...huhu scary la dia tu.tanya soklan 6 feet under.mana org nak jawab.
5th reason:my horizontal,vertical,left falling,right falling strokes for chinese subject is completely done!actually we learn to write the strokes to make up chinese characters.but tomorrow i have to introduce myself and a fren in chinese.huhu..kena wake up early sket esok...practice makes perfect!
but...i have one's 1.20 in the morning and what am i still doing here?
it's off to bed.
1st reason of my happiness:i just skyped with my mum for lots to catch up and tak sedar pun we wasted nearly an hour gossipping!dun blame us cos' we tak mengumpat sesapa.hahah...i'm very close,super duper close to my mum.she's my besfren although our gap(in terms of age)mmg mcm langit dengan bumi.she's in early 60's while im in my early 20's...selalunya klau a daughter rapat super tu gap umur dia ngan mak dia tak jauh.mcm rory and her mother lorelai(ni utk org yg menonton gilmore girls yerk).but in my case,age doesn't matter.hehe..she knows everything about me...hei..of course la her daughter but wut i meant here is it's beyond wut mums always know bout their children.nothing is confidential to my mum,from crush to beloved boyfriend,she's my number one advisor...hahah...and she always got the priviledge of knowing my special sumone 1st since the day i started to get involve in this mushi2 thingy.hahah...i dun have to worry if sumone try to spread rumours or tell my secrets to other people cos she won't.cayang mak!
2nd reason:she also told me my sister already has a plan for us during my summer holiday.we are going sumwhere special this year.yabedaa bedooo....but kita hanya merancang,tuhan yg menentukan.YA ALLAH..kau berkatilah dan permudahkanlah rancangan sister is the main planner in da takyah nak perah2 otak pkiq lagik.hehe...she got that from my dad's genetic.everything well planned and perfect!
3rd reason:yesterday i had a fight(or should i say merajuk...)but today,semua back to thing i like about him is,he makes things so easy to go through eventhough it's kinda complicated at first.toleransi itu penting.i double my love for u key!hehe..
4th reason:tutorial cardiovascular and renal diseases done!although ada lubang2 but at least im prepared for tomorrow...hopefully not amanda mcAnn...huhu scary la dia tu.tanya soklan 6 feet under.mana org nak jawab.
5th reason:my horizontal,vertical,left falling,right falling strokes for chinese subject is completely done!actually we learn to write the strokes to make up chinese characters.but tomorrow i have to introduce myself and a fren in chinese.huhu..kena wake up early sket esok...practice makes perfect!
but...i have one's 1.20 in the morning and what am i still doing here?
it's off to bed.
Monday, February 12, 2007
tenyata dan terbukti...
now im relieved.lega dengan pelbagai benda2 yg selama ini menyemakkan kepala.what i should do it just spit everything out baik yg mulia ataupun yg masam kelat.i learnt now that what we think sumtimes is right and sumtimes it can be totally wrong so to be sure,just pour it out to sumbody preferably the ones who close to us.lihat sesuatu dari skop yg lebih luas....the more opinions,views and critics we get the more it helps..but on top of that,jgn lupa bersikap mulia.hahah..ayt poyo teramat!but's the simplest term used in this blog. it's better to use that than beautifully arranged words but useless at the end...
suddenly i think i owe sumone an apology...
well...class went well i learnt about hypersensitivity reminds me of my own experience.when i was young,around 12-16 years old...i was allergic to ant bites.huhu...rasa nak eliminate jerk bad memories tu from my memory box in my's too horrible.once i was bitten on the way to's itchy at first.bley tahan lagik.but an hour later i started scratching all over my face turned red n hot.betul2 cam udang kena bakar.when i was sent to the headmistress,she asked me to go home b'cos she,herself couldn't stand seeing me like that.when i was home...the itchiness continued and my lips were already twice it's original size.if sumbody seeing me like that,he/she definitely would run away.but at that time...i didn't go to clinic,just take a nap and im back to the cute lil'azimah.heheh.after that incident,my allergy worsen,not only to ant bites,but i couldn't eat chicken and's sad...but i do eat them occasionally but after that kena telan ubat la.kira depend on ubat la.but itu dulu.b4 masuk mrsm kena inject sbb it happened again.but that was the last time i's i can eat anything i want but im still afraid of red ants,my worst enemy.trauma! bila dah tau what lead to the allergic reactions..rasa lagi seram.huhuh....hopefully it's gone forever..tata bye bye...hahah
okies..nak pi's diner:
nasi putih
ayam goreng
sayur sup
any volunteer nak tolong?
now im relieved.lega dengan pelbagai benda2 yg selama ini menyemakkan kepala.what i should do it just spit everything out baik yg mulia ataupun yg masam kelat.i learnt now that what we think sumtimes is right and sumtimes it can be totally wrong so to be sure,just pour it out to sumbody preferably the ones who close to us.lihat sesuatu dari skop yg lebih luas....the more opinions,views and critics we get the more it helps..but on top of that,jgn lupa bersikap mulia.hahah..ayt poyo teramat!but's the simplest term used in this blog. it's better to use that than beautifully arranged words but useless at the end...
suddenly i think i owe sumone an apology...
well...class went well i learnt about hypersensitivity reminds me of my own experience.when i was young,around 12-16 years old...i was allergic to ant bites.huhu...rasa nak eliminate jerk bad memories tu from my memory box in my's too horrible.once i was bitten on the way to's itchy at first.bley tahan lagik.but an hour later i started scratching all over my face turned red n hot.betul2 cam udang kena bakar.when i was sent to the headmistress,she asked me to go home b'cos she,herself couldn't stand seeing me like that.when i was home...the itchiness continued and my lips were already twice it's original size.if sumbody seeing me like that,he/she definitely would run away.but at that time...i didn't go to clinic,just take a nap and im back to the cute lil'azimah.heheh.after that incident,my allergy worsen,not only to ant bites,but i couldn't eat chicken and's sad...but i do eat them occasionally but after that kena telan ubat la.kira depend on ubat la.but itu dulu.b4 masuk mrsm kena inject sbb it happened again.but that was the last time i's i can eat anything i want but im still afraid of red ants,my worst enemy.trauma! bila dah tau what lead to the allergic reactions..rasa lagi seram.huhuh....hopefully it's gone forever..tata bye bye...hahah
okies..nak pi's diner:
nasi putih
ayam goreng
sayur sup
any volunteer nak tolong?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
a better tomorrow...
may this find u in the best of health and iman.
a better tomorrow... before i sleep everynite,this will be my main wish besides thousands more which are less important...yes i pray for a better day...much better than yesterday and today.saya sangat takut akn hari yg lebih teruk dari hari ini dan juga semalam kerana if anything were to happen to me i don't have my family around me.i'm weak because part of my strength is within my family.if i'm around them,i feel much stronger,happier and i feel the whole 'me' are finally reunite again..lately i'm homesick!although this is my third year here,alone....i dun feel any sense of belonging yet.the only improvement is i'm already used to the unpredictable weather of dublin.yeah..finally adapting process really taught me well,how to handle crazy wind,what to wear during rainy days and how many layers of blankets and duvet needed during winter nights.....
but the worst part still here. for instance,when things fall apart and gettin' out of hands,saya cepat mengalah.simply give up to the situation,losing my rationality.this is not me 3yrs ago.totally different person.luckily i have great friends around me.although some people say friends come and go,i keep the gud and true ones with me.and syir i think i need some of ur patience,can i.....hehe.people envy me for having u,so im tellin u im not letting u go...not as long as both of us live in this world!whatever future will bring,i'll accept with all my heart.with doa and tawakkal serta usaha berterusan...moga dipermudahkanNYA....
okies.dah melalut.i need some sleep.a better tomorrow,the day after....and the day after that..heheh
may this find u in the best of health and iman.
a better tomorrow... before i sleep everynite,this will be my main wish besides thousands more which are less important...yes i pray for a better day...much better than yesterday and today.saya sangat takut akn hari yg lebih teruk dari hari ini dan juga semalam kerana if anything were to happen to me i don't have my family around me.i'm weak because part of my strength is within my family.if i'm around them,i feel much stronger,happier and i feel the whole 'me' are finally reunite again..lately i'm homesick!although this is my third year here,alone....i dun feel any sense of belonging yet.the only improvement is i'm already used to the unpredictable weather of dublin.yeah..finally adapting process really taught me well,how to handle crazy wind,what to wear during rainy days and how many layers of blankets and duvet needed during winter nights.....
but the worst part still here. for instance,when things fall apart and gettin' out of hands,saya cepat mengalah.simply give up to the situation,losing my rationality.this is not me 3yrs ago.totally different person.luckily i have great friends around me.although some people say friends come and go,i keep the gud and true ones with me.and syir i think i need some of ur patience,can i.....hehe.people envy me for having u,so im tellin u im not letting u go...not as long as both of us live in this world!whatever future will bring,i'll accept with all my heart.with doa and tawakkal serta usaha berterusan...moga dipermudahkanNYA....
okies.dah melalut.i need some sleep.a better tomorrow,the day after....and the day after that..heheh
Thursday, February 8, 2007
sad=not happy
tahap kewarasan:separa
tahap kesabaran:kritikal
pesanan untuk diri sendiri:always think 1st before doing anything,trust people reasonably and love yourselves before anything/anyone else.
tahap kewarasan:separa
tahap kesabaran:kritikal
pesanan untuk diri sendiri:always think 1st before doing anything,trust people reasonably and love yourselves before anything/anyone else.
Monday, February 5, 2007
salamz all.
hello blog's dusty oledy.hard to find free time nowadays as my classes have already started and's already the third week of school!gosh,how time flies.lots have been going on.first is the scary part..jeng..jeng..jeng..the result of last winter exams.hurrreyyy...i pass!sukanya beta!!it was out during the first week of school(the week i suffered of the lack of sleep b'cos too much thinking of wether i can pass the exam or not!)..well..the result is better than the last exams i've taken so far in ucd=)
2ndly,the most controversial event of the year,MALAYSIAN NITE.let's talk bout the fud..fuuudddddd's marvellous!it started with a very unusual starter in ireland but common in malaysia(but i don't call it starter,i rather call it dessert =P) ROJAK BUAH...heheh..semua org pun nak kebas nenas...then it comes huge sweet and sour fishes(i lurrrvveeee fishhhh!!!!),buttered prawns,rendang kambing n chicken curry(well it doesn't look and taste like curry at all..).owh fave for that nite was kailan goreng ikan masin campur mmg kick arrr w'pun kat ireland.we ate those wit fried rice n mee goreng a penangite,the mee goreng mamak is totally different with what we have in penang.last but not least,the n sooo-chocolatyyyyy piece of choc cake with ruined my diet!huhu..besides acara mkn2,there were performances,too many to count but i like the drama b'cos the 3 frens; ali,muthu n chong were so hillarious.the made me laugh guling2...
that's bout the MALAYSIAN NITE
The next big thing coming up is MAmma MIa!can't tell what izzit but i think all of u can guess from the name rite?heheh...i have the baju to go already...hehe..can't wait!i hope it's worth the price i paid!huhuhu.... is february.this means i have lebey kurang 2 bulan...actually im scare..scared of being left alone for weeks without any messages,phone calls,without any means of communication..traumatized by the past experience.but i chose this life.i'm not and i won't regret because in order to be happy,we have to sacrifice something.this all i can give..patience...cause i do hope for a happy ending:)...and they live happily ever after.
i will survive!i willllllll!!!!!!!!
hello blog's dusty oledy.hard to find free time nowadays as my classes have already started and's already the third week of school!gosh,how time flies.lots have been going on.first is the scary part..jeng..jeng..jeng..the result of last winter exams.hurrreyyy...i pass!sukanya beta!!it was out during the first week of school(the week i suffered of the lack of sleep b'cos too much thinking of wether i can pass the exam or not!)..well..the result is better than the last exams i've taken so far in ucd=)
2ndly,the most controversial event of the year,MALAYSIAN NITE.let's talk bout the fud..fuuudddddd's marvellous!it started with a very unusual starter in ireland but common in malaysia(but i don't call it starter,i rather call it dessert =P) ROJAK BUAH...heheh..semua org pun nak kebas nenas...then it comes huge sweet and sour fishes(i lurrrvveeee fishhhh!!!!),buttered prawns,rendang kambing n chicken curry(well it doesn't look and taste like curry at all..).owh fave for that nite was kailan goreng ikan masin campur mmg kick arrr w'pun kat ireland.we ate those wit fried rice n mee goreng a penangite,the mee goreng mamak is totally different with what we have in penang.last but not least,the n sooo-chocolatyyyyy piece of choc cake with ruined my diet!huhu..besides acara mkn2,there were performances,too many to count but i like the drama b'cos the 3 frens; ali,muthu n chong were so hillarious.the made me laugh guling2...
that's bout the MALAYSIAN NITE
The next big thing coming up is MAmma MIa!can't tell what izzit but i think all of u can guess from the name rite?heheh...i have the baju to go already...hehe..can't wait!i hope it's worth the price i paid!huhuhu.... is february.this means i have lebey kurang 2 bulan...actually im scare..scared of being left alone for weeks without any messages,phone calls,without any means of communication..traumatized by the past experience.but i chose this life.i'm not and i won't regret because in order to be happy,we have to sacrifice something.this all i can give..patience...cause i do hope for a happy ending:)...and they live happily ever after.
i will survive!i willllllll!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
a tree with with no leaf but only flowers
Penah tak korang rasa tenang bila lihat sesuatu..i mean tgk laut ke..bunga ke..selalunya fitrah manusia,suka sesuatu yg cantik dan for myself,i like this one tree in my university area.just an average size tree,without any leaves but small lovely white flowers throughout every branch.when i walked under the tree 2 days ago,there were feelings of peace n calmness.erm..rasa tenang tetiba.mungkinkah saya rindu pada musim bunga ataupun just glad winter nearly comes to the end.but im surely gonna miss this tree when im going back to Malaysia one day...sayonara winter and ahlan wasahlan spring=)

i wish!

i wish!
azimah is looking forward to watch mamma mia.cepatlah 10feb!
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