Friday, November 16, 2007

.insufficient words.


many things to write yet too little words in my head.isn't it ironic?well...i'll give a try.mana tahu klau2 the word flow comes back once my fingers touch the keyboard.

yesterday was a bollywood day.went out with sarah+corom and,saya sorg jer partnerless but whatever.i suited myself just nice since all of them are my classmates.OM SHANTI OM.that's the,kat dublin pun ada cita hindustan.since i have unlimited card that enable me to watch as many movies as i want,why waste it.the story best la jugak and the dancing part plus the costumes deserved not surprising because the director is a well-known choreographer in not a number one bollywood fan but having growing up with two sisters that really into bollywood movies,im kinda well updated with what's happening in their film industry.the movie is long and WITHOUT intermission.huhu,right after that all of us pun complaining lapar and tros pegi medina restaurant makan.indian foods jugak.what la...mmg bollywood day eh.after that continue with another movie,boewulf.this movie is complicated,hence im not goin to eloborate.the moral of that movie is,women(especially pretty ones) are men's guys out there,dun be easily fooled by pretty women and their sweet promises unless u really know those women well.

~ it's been 4 years.but is not lung enough to really understand some people.betul org cakap,it takes a lifetime to really know someone,inside,i hope i still know u,respect u,see u they way u are even in 4o yrs to come.i promise i'll take care a gud care of least tak demam lagi when the next time u call;P

till then people.

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