Sunday, November 18, 2007


let me tell u about what i do and my friend went for a movie just now.initial plan was to watch AMERICAN GANGTER.sadly the tickets sold out eventhough we arrived 5 minutes BEFORE to movie is to start.then we moved to another movie,INTO THE WILD and again luck wasn't on our side,the seats were all taken leaving 2 separate seats right in the middle of the row.hurmmm..mmg susah nak masuk and we gave up.then we planned to get another ticket of any movie available.but since the qeueu was long,we straight away masuk selamba ja dalam movie ini.


the short synopsis
Six book club members, six Austen books, six interwoven story lines over six months in the busy modern setting of Sacramento, where city and suburban sprawl meet natural beauty. While the contemporary stories never slavishly parallel the Austen plots, the six characters find echoes.
i found this movie quite interesting despite the not-so-famous casts.this story has flow that leads u from one plot to's like reading a story book,said my friend.rasa relax aja sepanjang movie nie.flow yang slow tapi tak's a story of life.a few people with variety of issues to deal with in their lives.i really enjoyed this movie.

harini hujan macam sepanjang hari.sejuk sampai ke tulang.sekarang mmg dah masuk's freeziiing,kata seorang irish dengan loghatnya yang pekat.i still remember during my first year here,the weather was my worst enemy.rasa nak nangis hari2 sebab sejuk.sampaikan tak boleh tidur every night.pernah one time,i wore 4 pairs of sock.bila sejuk2 begini mula fikiran melayang ke malaysia.panas yang amat nikmat berbanding di sini.tapi kan,saya terfikir,kalau saya rindu malaysia pun,i know i'm going back during the summer hols.and akan balik ke sini semula selepas berakhirnya cuti.tapi when everything is over one day,when i got what i want(medical degree) and i'm back to malaysia for good,apa saya akn buat kalau saya rindu tempat yang sejuk ni..sbb saya dah mula sayangkan ireland,selesa di sini.akan saya ceritakan nanti apa yang saya akn rindui di sini bila i feel like it.for now,i'm going to enjoy my time here as much as possible.lagi lebih kurang 3 tahun sebelum saya tamat belajar di sini.ya,akan saya gunakan masa ini sebaik-baiknya!

apa kabar agaknya orang laut di sana.harini his birthday.i wish you a very happy birthday dear.may Allah bless u always and jadilah seorang lelaki yang matang selari dengan usia yang makin meningkat.semoga Allah grant u dengan umur panjang yang penuh keberkatan.ameeen.

oklah.nak siap2 nak tidoq.tomorrow we are going to play futsal.nak join?

1 comment:

Yat Ekhram said...

Happy bufday org laut :)
semoga bergumbira & kekal bersama doctor to-be nie :)
Doc..sakit rindu ada obat tak?