hye,i'm back.
pooh..poooh...eww..this blog is dusty and full of cobwebs everywhere.
blame it on my daily schedule.i'm busy as a bee everyday.had long days for the past two weeks,when my clinical years have started.with the great amount of stress,sleep is the first thing that comes to mind everytime i reached home hence reducing the time i have to blog.sorry yer...but seriously,i just felt drained out everyday when i got home.
what about weekends?weekend is precious!my precious!(pronounce ala-ala makhluk dlm LOTR tu).hikhik.hang out with good buddies during weekends is a must.yeah during this time,we told stories,catching ups and melepas rindu(di sini juga sesi mengutuk interns,registrars and fellow consultants!)hahaha.....lawak gila.i thought i'm the only one who had bad days in hospitals because of my monstrous registrar,but it turned out that the rest of my buddies have their fair share of same experiences.weh korang...jd registrar atau consultant jgn ganas-ganas ok,apatah lagik interns.serious tak best!
i'm attached to endocrinology team and guess what kind of patients i met during clinics?a bunch of people with diabetes type 2 mostly and those with hypo/hyperthyroidism.on the second day,i was asked about hypothyroidism and i blew it.felt so stupid and down the whole day.huhu...tu la..masa pre-clinical malas nk studi.dlm byak2 team,endocrinology was the last thing on my list.i don't mind getting neuro,but when it comes to endocrine,god....i knew nothing!served me right!haha.but as what my mum told me,this is where i learn something.biar bodoh sekarang..jgn bodoh selamanya.kan?that's enough about mad skool,sebut pun rasa nausea(nausea=the feeling of vomitting).haha.next paragraph is sumthing personal.klau korang rajin,bacalah yerk.klau rasa tak penting,abaikan.but i think this deserves a space in my blog=)
last thursday,when i came back from hospital,i got a notice that telling me i've received a parcel and since no one at home,the parcel couldn't be delivered and was sent back to the nearest post office.(ni yg malas ni sbb the nearest tu sebenaqnya kena amek 2 bus).the next day right after a loooong day at hospital,with anxiety plus palpitation,i rushed to the post office.couldn't contain the excitement really..tersenyum sorang2 dlm bus.ahaha.the last parcel i received from malaysia was erm........alamak lama gila smp tak igt dah.lagipun,it's expensive to send anything to me here,so i told my mum no need of sending me anything.when one of the staff handed me the parcel,i just couldn't wait any longer to open it.tapi merepek sgt lah nk bukak depan tu.nti dia kata"hish budak ni,tau la dpt parcel dr jauh,jgn la desperate sgt!".so i quickly get a bus and went straight home.to cut the story short(laepun mst korang pun nk tau apa dlm parcel tu kan?)hehe..
wait...i'll let the pictures tell eveything.
the box!(tak smpat amik pic dgn wrapper dia sbb tak sabar trus bukak.ahaks)
what's inside?jeng..jeng..jeng..
the very shweet memory lane card
the bestest tea in the world,always my fave strawberry tea from c.highlands.i've tasted different kind of teas from around the world but trust me,this is the best!
the osram energy saving daylight bulb.dublin sucks,semua bulb kaler oren.sakit mata and gelap.sekarang bilik saya dh cukup pencahayaan!=D
the unique sarawak keychain(nk gantung apa ek kat keychain nie?)
and last but not least,
the veryyyy cute hoodie dress from here--->
eh,wait a sec! there's one more thing in the green plastic bag kan?hehe..yg tu biarlah rahsia key.
from who?
i think i gave enough clue/clues.
terima kasih daun keladi,
lain kali boleh la hantar lagi!
thanx awak.the parcel really made my day especially when everything else seems to fall apart.doakan saya kat cni yerk. 2 more years and insyaAllah we'll be closer to each other.
so..that's the stories behind my hibernation.want more?
i'll be back....
with more interesting stuffs
till then.take care peeps=)
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