Dublin has started behaving like it used to.last few days were extremely cold with the temperature approaching 0.it's freezing i tell ya!tapi itulah Dublin yang saya rindui,cold...gloomy and peace.klau tadak suma nie,bukan Dublin lah namanya.jam 5 ptg dh mcm 9 malam rasanya.gelap gulita.
and worst,
exam is just around the corner.
1 mcq paper
1 short answer questions paper
OSCE medicine
huuuuuhuuuu....not agitated yet,but a bit restless.8(....
on the other hand,there are few things that make me stay calm and feel happy,happy and happpyyyyyy=)
1.dating with my 2 significant others(bukan 2 suami yerk!hehe)hehe... my mak and kakak lah.. as frequent as i could...although via phones,it is the best therapy when i'm down...
2 crocs guarding the best mum in the world!
2.on its way to Bintulu.i hope it arrives safely and he'll like it=)
the scorpion gonna bite this on the 19th!hohoho...
3.new addition.
my fourth!
4.my bestest moment today!
the simplest hobby in the world yet so relaxing and enjoyable!
see...sometimes small little things can put us at ease and even better at the extreme of happiness!
i just LOve my life!(ayat menaik kan semangat di kala stress!)hehe.
i might be in dormant state for a while till the exam is over.
till then,
gooluck with d examssss! ble la bleh lawat hang ni?
thanx cik farah.
bila2 bleh.hang ja tamau mai.sob..sob..sob...wei,mai la.nti leh merayap sama2.nk sopping lae okeh.hehe.
aku tunggu ko abis exam kayh. Aku ade manic attack ni, tetibe bli tiket pi germany. I am off to Frankfurt this thurs. Kekeke..
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