Tuesday, May 8, 2007

when i'm bored with studies....

i blogged!
i watched u tube!
i buzzed my virtual friends in YM list.
i ate n ate n ate n ate.maggi owh maggi
i opened my megazines(read the date on those megazines:july,august and sept 2006!)
i made cups of coffee......(addiction is so satisfying okkkeeeyyyy)
i checked my friendster like countless times.....(nie mmg dasar obsessed!)
i lied down in my bed...and zzZZZZZ.....dreamt of balik malaysia.wuuhhhuuuuu,life is so beautifooollll=D

side effect of toO many drugs in ma head!


.:kAi:. said...
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.:kAi:. said...

weh azimah,camna hang boleh makan maggi masa exam period. aku tak boleh makan dowh. nanti dapat maggi glucose toxicity!! aku tak boleh nak study, rasa macam bodoh aja. pasrah