Thursday, May 29, 2008

i'm no weirdo


i just realized i've been tagged by cik azie.yep,we share the same name.common sebenarnya nama kami neh.but different azimah different character i,while waiting for ayam masak kicap on the stove,let me think of what to write.

The rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

random and weird bits bout me~
i only ate half packet of instant noodle it maggi,cintan,indo mee...semua separuh ja.well..i cooked the whole packet but i usually left half of it to eat's too much for me to eat in one go.

2)there's a huge age gap btween me and my sisters and elder sister is 11 years older while my eldest sister is 16 years brother is in btween 2 of them.i guess 3 of them got bored bullying each other and asked my mum for another victim.
saya makan slow mcm siput.ahaks.the first to start.the last to finish.and in a small quantity.a big no-no to buffet sebab nti mmbazir.tapi klau nk belanja saya akn berusaha mkn.heheh.

i can sleep anytime,anywhere.yep..sleeping beauty.especially on anything with wheels.dublin bus is my second moving bedroom kot.kapal terbang belom take off,saya dah tido dulu.haha.

5) my pierced ears don't allow earings with studs nor anything non-gold.memilih kan.ahaks.
i never owned any barbie dolls when i was a kid.i prefer teddy bears.tu pun boleh kira.

7)i don't eat tempoyak.never and never will.when i was young,i couldn't even smell it.mak kata tak boleh kawen org perak kalu camni.i say nothing wrong with it.he can go back to his mom and have tempoyak as much as he biggie=)

ok done with the tag.NOW it's my time tagging other bloggers.the lucky people are:~drum rolls~
sarah amin

if u have done this thing before,just skip okey.
tagging IS caring=)

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