Wednesday, May 7, 2008

.hello SUMMER.gudbye winter.


last weekend was a blast!i had a longer weekend than usual.extra one day.thanx to all banks in ireland for always having their day-off on monday.wuhoo!

actually the holiday begun right after everyone finish their rotation for the day from their respective hospitals.the plan was to have dinner at one of the fast food restaurant we are frequent to.but i woke up at 5.30 that morning and i need to qada' my sleeping i missed the dinner with them.
but worry not,we had basketball match the next day.hehe..tadakla lawan btoi2...only 8 people turned mmg pancit la main full court with only 8 of us.tak smp sejam dah mntak break.hahah.but overall....everyone managed to at least produced some sweats supaya usaha untuk bersenam tidak sesia.hehe...after the game,we just hang out at UCD,university terchenta smbil buat photography sessions.since we are attached to different hospitals...UCD agak dilupakan this was the best time utk melepas rindu la kan.

hasil dr photoshoot pada hari itu:

eh..tgu dulu.itu baru warm up pictures.on sunday...we continued the weekend with a small picnic at st stephen green park.a huge park right in the town of Dublin.the weather was lovely,suitable for picnicking.hehe.semua ahli2 geng dipaksa turut serta.ahaha.picnic was just alasan but photography session is the hidden main agenda of gadis-gadis yang amat suka akn lensa-lensa kamera.everyone posed like there's no tomorrow.muahahah.termasuk photographer i would say.=D
despite the unbearable sunshine that shone throughout the day,we really had least i do.we ate,we sang a few songs while sumone playing guitar,we played cards,gossipping and duduk,berdiri,bangun,meniarap,lompat and tidow amek gambar.tak caya tgok nie....

eating should be the first thing first.

dr lensa ke the other way around?

black vs greenwhite

r u counting cards?that's the way tina...that's the way....

the duo..singing joget lambak!hahaha.

cewek bunga

adek manis dengan tulips=)


the p.r.o.fessional

the photographer himself.yang macho lagi wik mana pulak?heheh=D

W.E = u.s

those were the activities done last saturday and sunday.wanna know what i did on the extra 1 day of bank holiday?tunguuu......


Anonymous said...

yey!! FINALLY,ada entry baru =D
best kan lepak kt park??hehe

Anonymous said...

jenuh menanti post yg baru...asik2 kalo bukak...baca post pasal "sick"...hahaha..mggu ni kita try bray!!!jom!!!

jeem said...

peer pressure.+ve one!hehe.jom lepak lae.kali nie nk thornton pulak.kempunan seh.

haha.aku tau korang dah anaemia ngan post lama tu.bray?beach?i loikeeee=D YEAY!